Part XIV

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Loki opened his eyes, he never sleeps so deeply. After all the chaos that he'd been through, he never gets enough of sleep. But with you in his arms, he finally feels at peace. For some reason, he finally feels that he belongs somewhere.

"It is early in the morning and you are already deep in your thoughts," you mumbled cuddling close to him.

"I am and I just feel..." he stopped as he caressed your cheek lovingly. This gesture made you open your eyes and meet his gaze.

"Hungry?" you continued smiling at him.

"You just ruined the moment." Loki rolled his eyes and pulled you into his arms "I just feel happy to have you back."

"Me too. I thought I will never remember anything." you said kissing him on the cheeks.
"It is good that you never gave up."

You two stayed in his room and then Thor storm into the room without knocking the door.

"Brother, we need to..." Thor was stunned by what he saw, you were in Loki's arms and you two were laughing. He saw how genuinely happy Loki is "I think, I should just leave you two."

"Thor, wait." you said standing up from the bed "We have something to tell you."

"I'd be happy to hear what you want to tell me but I see that you two..." Thor grinned at Loki "You and my brother are busy."

"We are just talking. Try to catch up, that's all and Loki have his memories back, well some of it."

"That's wonderful. I'm happy for you two but I'll just come back later." he said.

"No, you can talk to him, it must be urgent. I'll just see you two in the dining area." you went to Loki and kissed him on the forehead "I'll see you later."

"wouldn't miss it for the world." Loki said smiling at you.

"See you later, guys," you said leaving the room.

"Shut up." Loki said as he sat on the bed but there is still a smile on his face.

"I didn't say anything." Thor sat next to him and patted him on the shoulder "but I am truly happy for you, brother."

"Thank you. I'm just happy that I have her back." Loki smiles won't fade away.

"I must say, I feel bad when I remember who she is and what father and mother did to her. [Y/N], is just trying to protect you." Thor said.

"[Y/N], doesn't deserve what happened to her. She has nothing to do with it." Loki said in anger.

"They only did that because [Y/N] was about to tell you the truth and Loki, they don't want to lose you." Thor responded, "Let's just focus on the good things, at least you have her back."

This brought the smile back to his face. Loki never felt this happy for a while and it feels great. Walking to the dining area, he scanned the room looking for you and the moment he saw you everything seems to vanish. Like you are the only person in the room. He watched you smile as you talk, that giggling sounds you make when you laugh and how your eyes sparkle, those are one of the things he loves about you.

"You know it is bad to stare," you said walking closer to him.

"I'll leave you two alone." Thor excused himself, grinning at you two.

"Thanks, Thor," you said.

"Just make him happy, that's enough for me," he said before walking away.

"I'm doing my best," you answered looking at Loki.

"You are already doing it." Loki caresses your cheeks. He still couldn't believe that you are really there.

"You are still staring and you are smiling." you chuckled laugh.

"Have I told you that I have an eye for beautiful things," he said.

"No, but I heard you are very fond of Tesseract," you said embracing him.

"Well, I will choose you anytime over the Tesseract," Loki said taking a peck of your lips. This made you giggled, you just love how his thin lips kissed you "You are way more important than anything."

Then you start hearing coughing sounds. Rolling your eyes, it was Thor and Valkyrie.

"If you don't mind we are trying to eat here," Valkyrie complains but there was a smile on her face.

Instead of letting you go, Loki pulled you closer and planted a kiss on your hair.

"Hey, I have an idea," you said breaking from his embrace.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Valkyrie, do you want to duel?" you asked.

"Bring it on," she answered standing proud.

"The lawn is still not fixed. No way that we will let you do that." Tony said.

"it's going to be more of a sword fight, Mr. Stark," you said.

"No thunder or magic involved?" he asked arching a brow then you nodded yes "Alright, I have the perfect place. We need to prepare the area." Tony clapped his hands "If you excuse me."

"Are you sure about this?" Loki asked holding you on the arm.

"Yes, it will be fun." you gave him a reassuring smile.

"You just fought Thor."

"It will be fine."

"I won't allow this," he said in demand.

"I'm not asking your permission. I've fought in wars, I think a simple duel won't hurt."

After breakfast, all of you went to the training ground. Peter was already there practicing with Tony.

"Great, they are here." Tony exclaimed like a kid "We have some spears, dagger, and swords set up for you two."

"I have a weapon of my own," you said then with a swing of your arms you are now holding a dagger on each of your hands.

"Looks, familiar," Thor said looking at Loki who rolled his eyes.

"Show off." Valkyrie smirking back at you.

"It's been a while since I use these babies," you responded with a smirk.

"I'm hearing lot of talking, no fighting," Tony yelled.

"Let's do this." Valkyrie took two daggers.

"Alright, Ladies kindly step into the line," Tony said then a wall of glass came up. It is the same glass they used when they made a cage for Hulk. Looking at Valkyrie, you can tell that she is ready. Holding your daggers tight, both of you get in the position and eyes were on each other. Then Thor mumbled.

"This is going to be fun."

|End of Part XIV|

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