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It's been decided, Loki will lose the woman he loves. Supergiant started to plan and she will execute it as soon as possible.

"So many ideas on how to torture the God of Mischief; give him slow and painful death, have him kill his own brother or!" an evil grin formed on her lips "Kill the woman he loves in front of him or by his own hand then let him live. Oh, the horrible things I can make him do. Master will be so happy."

You never left Loki's side, you were thinking of what you can do to protect him. You know that he no longer wants to be the bad guy, he never wanted to be the bad guy. Loki is mischievous and a trickster but he never wants to be the bad guy.

"You need to rest." Loki took the book in your hand "You've been busy."

"But I need to find a solution," you told him and he can feel his heart jump in joy.

"What did I do to have your love?" he said caressing your face.

"Maybe it's sorcery." you joked.

"I love you." Loki kissed you on the lips "and you need to rest. I'll talk to Thor and Stark to see if they have something."

"Loki, please, don't leave me," you said holding his sleeve.

"I'll be here once you wake up." He planned a soft kiss on your forehead "I'll come back soon as I can."

You let him go. Loki tacked you in before he left. Into your dream, you were running on the grass field. You can feel your heart beating faster. You were screaming but no sounds were coming out then you fall to the ground. Two figure was fighting in front of you, you tried to yell at them begging them to stop but your voice won't come out. Tears were already falling from your eyes. You tried to get up but you can't, no matter what you do.

The two figure started to be clear, it was Loki and Thor. They were fighting and both were badly wounded. You watched Thor hit Loki until he was on his knee. Blood was running on the side of Loki's face. You wanted to protect him but your body won't move when your eyes met.

"I love you." Loki said.

He said with love and pain in his eyes and then Thor's lightning hit him. Loki's body fell on the ground. His lifeless body, his eyes were looking directly at you but there is no life. The man you love is dead.

"No!!!" you screamed.

"[Y/N], wake up!" It was Loki and he is alive.

"Loki!" you jumped into his arms and let your tears fall "I.. I thought you left me. In my dream you and Thor. No."

"Sh, I'm here." he said embracing you "I'm here."

"I saw Thor and he killed you." you said subbing against his chest "and I didn't do anything."

"It's just a dream."

"But what if it means something?" you said with fear in your eyes "I can't, thinking about it made me want to die instead."

"Don't say that. I'm here."

"What's going on here?" Thor asked as he runs into Loki's room.

"Is everything alright?" Valkyrie asked, trailing behind him.

"Valkyrie, please look after [Y/N] I just need to discuss something important with Thor." Loki said making you hold him tighter "It will not take long."

Loki and Thor went outside of the room and met with Tony and Bruce. They were planning something and no matter what they think off, it could lead to death.

"I made up my mind," Loki told them.

"We can't make you change your mind?" Thor asked.

"No." Loki reassured them.

"I have people to protect and if I need to work with you I won't mind." Tony said, "Just make sure that this will work."

"You are not the only one who is trying to protect someone." Loki immediately respond.

They continued to talk, to plan. What can they do to prevent a war, to prevent blood from spilling, to prevent someone to lose a brother, a friend, and a lover?

Something was moving from the darkness, the night sky was clouded and the moon was hiding. In the shadow, danger was waiting for the right time. Supergiant walked on the premises ready to execute her plan. How excited she is to make someone suffer, to cost pain and death. She will do anything to please her master. Walking into a room, she saw a body in the bed. It was her target.

"This is it. Your time is running and darkness will be your new paradise but let me make you feel the sweet taste of pain." Supergiant stopped at the edge of the bed with an evil smile on her face "No one disobeys Thanos. Time to pay your debt."

|End of PartXVII|

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