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It was the end of the day and Tom promised to treat Evelyn to a hot chocolate date if she passed her spelling test. Now they were on their way to the nearest coffee shop.

The one he chose to provide with their service had a warm and nurturing atmosphere, the customers ranging from all ages but held polite and respectful glances at the two newcomers.

"She is so adorable," an older woman spoke as they passed her on the way inside. "She's yours, isn't she?"

"Yes," Tom smiles, squeezing Evelyn's hand momentarily.

"I figured as much," the woman grinned, glancing between Tom and Evelyn. "She's got your eyes and hair."

Tom glanced down at his daughter, smiling as she reminded him of the two of many features they shared that he loved so much.

The woman passed by them with a gentle smile and exited the café, heading in the direction of the nearest bus stop.

"Two hot chocolates, for here," Tom spoke to the lady behind the cash register, digging into his wallet for a ten dollar bill. He gave her it, placing the change into the tip jar with a warm smile.

"Thank you," the lady grins. "You can seat yourself wherever you please." As they stepped back from the counter, she walked back to see the order through.

Evelyn ran to pick out a booth, grinning wide at her father as he joined her across the table.

"Excited?" he teased, chuckling as her legs kicked him unintentionally. Her legs typically swung, no matter where she was at.

She nodded eagerly, "It's gonna be so good - I can feel it, daddy." Tom's grin warmed.

"Here you go," a different woman smiled, placing the two hot mugs on the table. "Do you want some marshmallows?" she questions toward Evelyn. She nods quickly, her smile growing wider. The woman takes the jar from between her arm and side, taking off the top and dropping several mini marshmallows on top of the hot brown liquid.

"Thank you," Evelyn grins, looking up at her now after catching a glimpse of her face. "Woah!" she exclaims. "You're so pretty!" The woman chuckles, thanking her. Tom decided to look at her, wanting to see if the claim was true.

His breath hitched and his heart sped up as his eyes met her side profile as she smiled down at his daughter.

"You're very pretty too," the woman spoke. "How old are you?"

"I'm six," Evelyn grinned. "My name's Evelyn."

"Well it's very nice to meet you, Evelyn," she smiles, reaching out to shake her hand. "I'm Venus."

Evelyn gasps. "Like the planet?" she questions. The woman, Venus, laughs, nodding. "That's so pretty."

"Thank you," she responds. Evelyn glances at Tom, a devious grin taking over her features. Tom's head spun.

"This is my daddy," Evelyn interjects, gesturing a hand toward Tom. Tom swallowed, snapping his eyes up to meet Venus's. Her smile became full of nerves yet her eyes sparkled more than before. "His name's Tom."

"It's nice to meet you, Tom," Venus chuckles, reaching out her hand in his direction. Tom gulps again and nods, taking it in his and gives it a firm yet gentle shake.

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