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Venus woke up with a smile on her face and the sun poking into her eyes. She groaned and sat up, stretching. She glanced over, finding the curly brown mess of hair still laid beside her. She laid down once again and curled into his warmth. She stared at his face, running her hands gently through his locks as he continued to sleep. Or so she thought.

"Take a picture," Tom grumbled, grinning soon after as he opened his eyes.

"Might have to," Venus smiles, gazing into his soft brown orbs. "How you feeling?" Tom pulls a look of confusion. "You fought a guy yesterday, remember?"

"Oh, y-yeah," he chuckles. "I'm alright." Venus nods as much as she can with her cheek pressed to a pillow, a toothless smile still painted on her face. "How are you? We didn't talk much about what happened, or how you felt, after."

Venus sighs, sliding her hand down to his cheek. She leans forward and presses a kiss to his nose, pulling away and giving a warm smile. "I'm fine." Tom raised his eyebrows, not buying her response. "Okay, sure, I was shaken up and beyond scared," Venus corrects in a soft voice, "but you got me over that quickly." Tom grins, wrapping his arm around her bare waist and pulling her closer to him. She giggles, gliding her hand from his cheek to the back of his neck. "You make me happy, Tom."

"And you make me happy, Venus," Tom responds, leaning his forehead onto hers and closing his eyes. She kept hers open, continuing to take in the beautiful view.

"I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me," she whispers.

"You don't need to thank me," Tom replies, keeping his eyes shut, as if he was dreaming and didn't want to wake up to find out the horrible truth that she wasn't really there.

"Daddy!" a voice shrieked as a door opened and slammed shut. "Venus!" Tom's eyes snap open, both adults in shock and panic mode.

"I'll, um-"

"Hide in the closet," Tom finished, helping her out of the bed.

"Jesus, Tom," she groaned as she struggled to walk and pick up her dress before attempting to run into the closet. As the door shut to the closet, the bedroom door flung open, revealing a wide-eyed and bushy-tailed Evelyn.

"Are you feeling better?" she asks. As soon as Tom smiles and nods, she sprints onto the bed and jumps on him. "Gross, it smells like sweat in here-"

"Mr. Holland!" Rita exclaimed as she ran through the doorway. "I'm so sorry, she insisted on coming home to help you get better..."

"It's okay, Rita," Tom grins, embracing his daughter as she fell onto his covered front. God, did he look as flustered as he felt? And what an uncomfortable situation.

As Tom continued to hug Evelyn, Venus saw the opportunity to book it to her own bedroom. But she ran straight into Rita, who let out a scream as she wasn't expecting the girl to jump out at her.

Evelyn was going to turn around to make sure Rita was alright, but Tom held her down and began to tickle her, only stopping once Venus was out of sight. "Daddy, stop!" Evelyn had screamed.

"Okay, come on, Evie," Rita finally speaks, holding out her hand for the little girl to take. "Let's let daddy get ready."

"Okay," Evelyn huffs, sliding off the bed and into Rita's arms, where she's carried to the playroom. Tom lets out a stressed sigh, running his hands over his face and through his hair. He got out of bed and stepped into his shower, smiling as he thought of his night with Venus and the progress they've made.


Venus sprawled out on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, damp hair spread out into separate strands above her head along her sheets. The only thing she wore was a bra, t-shirt, and underwear. She wasn't expecting Tom to walk in at any point before she could finally put on pants and step out of the safety of the room.

"Oh my- I'm sorry- I, uh-" Venus laughed at Tom's stammering state, sitting up. She ran a hand through her hair to smooth it out while folding and crossing her legs, facing him. She smiled up at him, eyes bright.

"You've seen me naked before," she whispers. "It's okay, Tom." He smiles, laughing at himself now. She was right — why was he suddenly a nervous wreck?

"I just, uh- wanted to make sure you were alright," he responds, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweats. "You've been in here for a couple hours."

Venus offers a warm grin, nodding. "I'm fine, Tom."

"Are you sure?" he questions. "Don't be afraid to tell me otherwise. Please, always tell me how you really feel."

"Okay," Venus sighs, shifting on the mattress. "I'm very content with life right now." Tom was shocked to hear such a positive thing leave her mouth. He was expecting her to start ranting about her horrible ex, which he would gladly listen to, but she didn't.

"Oh?" is all he can muster. He slaps a hand over his face and apologizes.

"It's fine," Venus giggles, noticing the blush on his cheeks darken.

"I meant to say I'm glad to hear that," he corrects. "You deserve that, and so much more." Venus blushes too now, smiling wider.

"God, I don't deserve you," she mumbles, moving her eyes to look at the nightstand. Tom frowned, moving across the room to sit beside her on the mattress.

"You deserve love, Venus," Tom announces. "Evelyn, Rita, and I have no issue with giving you what you rightfully deserve." Venus shakes her head, sighing.

"Do you regret last night?" she questions, out of the blue. Tom hesitated, but it wasn't because he had to think of an answer. It was because he didn't want his quick denial to scare her.

"I don't," he calmly responds. He glances over at her. "Do you?"

"Not even a little bit," she grins. Her eyes make their way to Tom's, her smile softening. "Thank you for everything." Tom laughs softly, shaking his head.

"Don't thank me for anything," he whispers, pressing a warm kiss to her cheek before exiting the room, leaving the girl to ponder on where their relationship was headed and how far it would go before he realized how wrong she was for him. She didn't deserve him. And he deserved better.

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