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A knock echoed throughout Venus's apartment, another groan escaping her throat. She knew who it was and didn't feel like greeting that person.

"Wrong apartment!" she calls.

"Nice try, Venus," Tom chuckles through the door. "Open the damn door."

"Okay, fine!" Venus shouts. "But just know I hate you."

"Okay, Venus," Tom chuckles. Venus opened the door, grimacing at the pretty face behind it. "Why hello." Tom smiles his adorable smile, Venus's heart fluttering. "How lovely to see you."

"Shut up," she groans, stepping back so he could enter, shutting the door behind him. "I'm so fucking miserable."

"How many times have you thrown up?" Tom questioned as he set the clear plastic bag and the tray that held two to-go styrofoam cups on the island counter.

"Two," Venus huffs, sitting at the chair closest to Tom.

"Have you taken any medication?" he quizzes.

"Yes," Venus responds. "What are you, my dad?"

"Here," Tom chuckles, settling a takeout box that matched the same material as the cups in front of her. He placed one of the cups beside it as she opened it. Her mouth fell open with shock and pure bliss. "Jocelyn said that you typically eat a simple hamburger and fries when hungover." Venus licked her lips discreetly. "But I didn't listen to her when she said to get a Coke — tea with ginger is what you need."

"Thank you, Tom," Venus spoke as she sipped on the warm beverage. "I really appreciate you."

"Hm, thought you hated me?" he questions. She smacks his arm, giggling.

"I still do — just a little less than before," she retorts. "How did you get Jocelyn's number?"

"She texted me," he responds, amused. A smile still rests on his face as Venus groans, realizing she'd stolen his number from her phone.

"I'm really sorry about her," she replies.

Tom sat beside her, chewing on his own burger and fries, sipping his coffee — or more-so his creamer and sugar. It was silent but comfortable, soft tunes from the radio Venus previously turned on playing in the background.

"That was perfect," she moaned as she stood, tossing the empty box and cup into her trash can. She raised her eyebrows, pointing her eyes to his empty box and cup. He smiled, sliding them over to her. She threw them in as well, grinning from ear to ear. "I feel so much better."

"I'm glad to hear that," Tom smiles. Venus leans on the counter, staring over at the well-tanned and cleaned up boy, beginning to feel self-conscious of her unkempt hair and clothes, her face lacking its usual amount of natural makeup.

"So," she starts, "why aren't you at work?"

Tom chuckles, sliding off the chair. He stood slowly, hands jammed into his pockets. "Some days I work at home," he responds. "I wanted to start using those days as time to spend with you at the café, but you weren't at work so I didn't feel comfortable staying." Venus gulped. Why would he want to spend time with her? She wasn't interesting in any way.

"I plan on working tomorrow," she informs, shrugging. "Stop by then." She'd never lacked her natural flirtatiousness, but her fear of rejection was stronger than the natural instinct. What if Tom told her he didn't like it? What if he just shut her down right then and there, not wanting anything more than a simple friendship? Venus always over-worried, it being the thing she was best at.

"I might have to," he grins. He spins his head to look around the apartment, taking in the details and decorations. "You've got some major designing skills," he comments. Venus's cheeks redden.

"Uh, thanks," she responds softly, watching his eyes fall over and scan every inch of the main area.

"What were you doing before I arrived?" he questions, mindlessly wandering over to the living room. He loved open floor plans, finding himself jealous of her cozy, humble abode. He took a moment before inspecting the lounging space, noting the hallway, which marked an invisible split between the kitchen and the lounge, and the three doors it held.

"Trying to sleep," Venus chuckles, following him. "I thought that would help my headache." He nods.

"Have you drank any water?" he questions, stepping around the bucket that sat below the couch. He knew the use of it all too well.

"Not much," she huffs, resting her hands on the back of the couch as she put most of her weight onto them. "Just enough to swallow some pills."

"Venus," Tom scolds, turning to her and giving her a disappointed and stern glance.

"I'll go get some," she sighs, chuckling simultaneously. She walks off, Tom's eyes lingering on her figure longer than he'd ever desired, having to rip his eyes away eventually. "So, are you staying?"

"I wouldn't want to intrude," he responds, picking up the empty bottle of Vodka, turning it in his hand. He sighed, upset. Not sad, not disappointed — but maybe a little guilty. Why did everything seem to be his fault to him? He set the bottle back down with ease.

"I would hate myself to not invite you to stay longer after you blessed me with a meal to die for," she teases, approaching the living area again. She sat on the couch this time, tucking one leg under her bum. Tom laughs at her comment, analyzing the pictures that hung on the wall behind the big couch, which Venus was currently seated on. He smiled at every picture that showed a bright Venus, grinning wide and seeming to not have a care in the world.

"Is it okay if I finish up a couple of things from work before we hang out?" he questions, turning to look over at her. Venus nods, smiling warmly.

"I'm gonna shower and make myself a little more presentable while you do so," she huffs, standing. She places the glass of water on the coffee table after gulping down half of it, heading over to the bathroom. "Help yourself to anything, and please make yourself at home!" she calls before shutting herself in the bathroom.

Tom sighs happily, content with this situation. His eyes flit over to the coffee table, falling on the unprotected material below the sweating glass. He tuts, chuckling, as he steps over to it and places the cup onto a nearby coaster.

The sound of the shower turning on fills his ears, his body returning to his briefcase. He pulled out his laptop and set himself up at her dining table, which held sheets of papers that spread out amongst it sporadically. Venus wasn't typically one to keep her place in a constant messy state, but there were times when she was a bit unorganized. It was unfortunate that one of those times happened to occur when she had company.

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