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"I'm so nervous," Venus confesses to Rita, who was currently applying heat and pressure to Venus's hair to create loose curls. "Like, not only because of Tom and the fancy restaurant — what if my ex finds us?" Rita nods, understanding where Venus was coming from. Rita and Venus had gotten close very fast — conversing for the first time only two hours ago. "What if he... tries to hurt Tom?"

"Trust me, dear," Rita speaks, a hint of a laugh in her voice, "Tom can hold his own." Venus drags out a sigh, biting down on her lip. "He took a lot of self-defense and boxing classes back in the day — you two will be okay." Venus gives her a small smile, Rita catching it for a second before returning her focus on the woman's hair. "How old did you say you were again?"

"Twenty-five," Venus responds. "Turning twenty-six in a little over a month."

"That's right," Rita chuckles. "So young."

"You're young too, Rita," Venus remarks. Rita laughs loudly this time, shaking her head.

"I'm flattered, but I'm double your age, dear."

"Still young to me," Venus responds. Rita gives her a look of joy and pride, thanking her for the compliment. "How long have you known Tom?"

"Ever since he moved here," Rita replies. "Seemed like a lost puppy. Couldn't just let him walk away with that troubled look, especially with a little girl attached to his hip."

"You're amazing," Venus grins. "I hope to be able to do something similar some day."

"I know teasing a love life is annoying," Rita interjects, Venus knowing where she was heading, "but marry Tom and I'd consider our acts equal." Venus furrows her eyebrows, wondering how in the world they were similar. "Tom is the best gentleman on this planet. Anybody would be lucky to have his attention — especially a lady." Venus's nods in agreement.

"So... the similarity?" Venus questions patiently.

"I helped him off the foreign streets and assisted him in getting his life back in order," Rita speaks. "You would keep him sane and loved — in a totally different way, may I add — when I can't be there for him." Venus smiles, glancing down to her lap. "You'd help him to find another good reason in this planet — you're his hope that not all women are shitty low lives."

Venus scrunches her face in pain, looking up at Rita through the mirror. "What happened with his ex...?"

"Ex wife?" Venus nodded. "Bitch cheated on him." Venus felt her heart full with a heavy liquid, her face dropping into one of sadness and anger. "He caught her in the act." Okay, now it was pure anger. But also a bit of shock — she didn't realize there were parallels within their lives.

"He doesn't deserve that," Venus huffs. "He's so kind, caring, selfless-"

"I know," Rita politely interjects. "He's been scared of love and letting people in ever since." Venus's eyes widened a bit. "You're a very special case."

"I sometimes worry if I'm good enough for him and Evelyn," Venus confesses. "Hell, I worry all the time."

"Dear," Rita starts, "I've never seen the boy happier." Venus's smile returns, bigger this time. "And little Evie? She adores the hell out of you — you're more than likely her idol." Venus's lips part, her eyes falling open more. "The second you're gone she whines for you."

"I-" Venus starts, but can't finish. She was at a loss for words.

"So you like him?" Rita asks, finishing the last strand of her hair.

"How did you gather that?" Venus quizzes, feeling her face grow warm.

Rita chuckles before responding, "You're worried about being good enough for him, you admire his character, the reaction you had when I told you of his past relationship — and darling, you're redder than a firetruck." Venus slaps her hands over her cheeks. She felt like she was in high school all over again.

"Okay, maybe I do, a little," Venus shyly replies. "But can you blame me? He's fucking incredible."

"I know, dear," Rita grins. "Put a ring on it before someone else does." Venus laughs, shaking her head.

Rita fluffs and combs through Venus's hair one last time before letting her observe her work. "Thank you," Venus speaks softly, trying not to cry as she hugged Rita. "You're incredible too," she whispers into the older woman's shoulder.

"So are you, dear," Rita smiles. "Don't you ever forget that." She pulls away from Venus, holding her shoulders in her hands as she stares into her eyes with dark seriousness. "If something happens, call me right away. Try to keep Tom from swinging, hold his hand if you're scared." Venus nods, gulping. "You guys will be okay."

"Daddy wants to know if the beauty is ready," Evelyn shouts as she sprints into the bathroom. She gasps as her eyes land on Venus, her hands clapping together wildly. "You're so pretty!"

"Thank you, Evie," Venus chuckles, picking the little girl up. She carried her downstairs, setting her back on the floor as she reached the bottom.

"Venus," Tom spoke breathlessly. She spun to face him, a smile spreading across her face as she watched him analyze her. While he did so, she didn't mind giving him a glance over as well. "You look stunning."

Venus blushes, bringing her hands together behind her back and wringing her fingers nervously. "You also look stunning." His suit and tie made her body want to squirm, but she fought back every dreamed reaction, forcing a smile instead.

"R-ready to go?" Tom questions. Venus nods, linking her arm with his outstretched elbow, walking with him to his car. Rita watched with awe and a bright grin, similar to Evelyn.

"Have her back by ten!" Evelyn calls out. Venus and Tom laugh.

Tom opens the passenger side's door, patiently waiting for Venus to seat herself, but she struggled with her long dress, eventually needing Tom's help. "Thank you," Venus spoke, flustered, before he shut the door.


"Everything okay?" Tom asked as he cut the engine, glancing over at Venus. She swallowed heavily, glaring at the restaurant ahead. "Venus?"

"What if he finds us," she mumbles, her eyes still directed to the entrance of the building. Tom sighs, following her eyes.

"He won't," Tom responds, returning his stare to her. His eyes flickered from her worried eyes to the grimace planted on her face then back to her worried eyes. "If he does, he isn't touching you."

"I'm not worried about me," Venus remarks, dropping her gaze to the hands wringing themselves in her lap.

"Venus," Tom softly begs. Venus reluctantly meets his gaze, her gaze making his stomach flip. "I promise we'll be okay. I'll be okay. You'll be okay." She huffs, turning her eyes back to her hands. Tom sighs again, grabbing her face gently with his hands, making her look at him. "He isn't fucking with anyone anymore, you hear me? He's got another thing coming if he thinks he's winning anything."

Venus gives a small, grateful grin. She finally nods, softly patting his hands with her own. "We'll be okay," she repeats. Tom smiles, nodding.

"Stay," he demands after letting go of her face. She laughs as he jumps out of his side of the car, rushing over to hers.

As he opens her door, holding out his hand for her to take, she mumbles, "You're such a dork," under her breath, unable to contain her giggle and smile.

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