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I was having a pretty good day even if nothing much was going on. It is the first day of 8th grade at the Hetalia World Academy. I have been here since 6th grade, so I know most everyone. But this afternoon I saw someone new. I, like, stared for a few seconds, but then Heracles came up and broke the trance. "Do you wanna go to the pet store after school? I take the kittens out of their cages and have only gotten kicked out twice." Heracles is pretty laid back and is a pretty slow talker. He was my first friend at the HWA. "Yeah, sure!" is my response. My mind was still on the silvery gray haired guy I just saw. I haven't paid much attention to guys, like some girls do, and I'm pretty sure I'm not in their spotlight either. He really was the first guy I ever saw like that.

Feliks. That was who I needed to see. He know all the latest gossip, so he might know a thing or two about the new guy. "Rinnnggg!!" The bell. I'm almost late. I sprint towards my locker and crash into someone in the process. My books go flying and I freeze for about 2 seconds. I crouch down wanting to get my books, but I'm too embarrassed. I see the silvery gray haired guy crouch down as well. He picks up a shattered iPhone. I think sarcastically,"this is a wonderful first meeting." Then he laughs. It is a strange laugh, but I think I like it. I look up slowly, and see his red irises and sharp canines. He is way cuter up close. "Now I have an excuse for my dad to get me the newest iPhone!" He says happily. He then stacks my books and walks away. I watch him until he disappears in the crowd. I pick up my books and open my locker. Stuff some books in, grab a few.

Rushing into Mr.Edelstein's class, I find that Feliks I have the same 5th period. He examines a trumpet and begins to play. Feliks is an amazing trumpet player. He has been playing since he was 5. His playing still amazes me, even after hearing it many times. After listening for a moment, I run over, getting a glare from Mr.Elelstein, and poke Feliks. The trumpet spirals and I giggle. Feliks turns and I see his MLP (My Little Pony) shirt. Rainbow Dash. I guess he is what people call a "brony". I sit down next to him. "I need some news." Feliks automatically starts prattling on about some German guy who seems totally scary, even though he's, like, only a sixth grader, and befriended this guy named Feliciano who is, like, totally pigging out on pasta 24/7. "What color hair does he have?"


"Ummm.....Any news on a guy with silver-gray hair, red eyes, and sharp canine teeth?"

Feliks smirks,"Totally. I, like, heard some girls talking about him. Maybe you should go to Francis for some quick love advice."

"Ughh! Feliks, you know he creeps me out! Why can't you tell me something about Mr.GrayHair?!"

(A/N: In this fanfic, the girl/you doesn't like France very much. she hangs out with him a little because Prussia does, but is creeped out. She isn't mean or anything. For those of you who like him, I'm sorry, but please bear with me.

Feliks pouts," You're no fun, but whatever. His name is Gilbert Beilschmidt, and his brother is the blonde one I mentioned. There is a rumor that he has a yellow bird in his locker." As Mr.Edelstein comes over to quiet us, I grab a trumpet and whisper thanks. Feliks shows me how to use it. I figure it out but I am not as good as he is.

Mr. Grayhair (Prussia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now