Not a Murderer.... Prussia?

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I run to my 3rd period. I have Mr.Jones sr. I wonder how I didn't see Gilbert yesterday. He may have come after.

I run into the girls locker room and change, still thinking about what he meant. What is there is be careful of? What else was there to talk about, other than Katze?

I'm walking out of the locker room when I think I've found the answer. It is the answer to the question I asked an possibly his. Gilbert. He is the other thing to talk about. But why should I be careful of him? Was Heracles threatening me or... is Gilbert a serial killer? I smile a weak smile at myself. "Of course he isn't," I mumble.

"Vho is it?" Gilbert whispers in my ear. 

I jump, " is kind of a long story."

He smiles at me," I have time."

I say okay and tell him about finding Katze and then considering to give him to Heracles. How once I was about to give him Katze, I couldn't and we got into a fight. And how he stopped me and what he said. I told Gilbert the two possibilities I came up with.

At the last sentence, Gilbert looks concerned and says, "I'm not a murderer. Either he was threatening you or... or... I can't imagine how he vould know."

"Know what?" I ask, my eyes widening.

Gilbert sighs," I don't really don't want to tell you. It scares me to think about it. But I guess you should know. Most people here represent a country. I represent the country of-" Gilbert breaks off on his sentence and runs down the hall with tears welling up in his eyes. I am left standing there. People are all around me, but I feel alone. I can't talk to anyone. Feliks might tell everyone, he can't help it, Heracles hates me, and Lili is in another grade. Who is there? I can feel that there is someone else, but who?

Someone taps on my shoulder and I spin around.

It's Matthew! I'm so happy to see him that I give him a hug, "Thank you so much!"


I start crying and tell him about Gilbert. Matthew looks upset and says, "Prussia."

"What's that mean?"

"You need to ask him."

I sigh. "Where would he be?"

"You ride the bus with him," Matthew says while walking away.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in forever. I would say why but then it's like I'm making excuses. It was a good reason but still. So hope you enjoyed this chapter. It felt kinda short to me but I think it's nice. It leads up to some other things that I think will be pretty interesting for you guys.

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