Combined Classes, and Poor Matthew

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He has Ms.Braginskaya and I have Mr.Vladamir. Ms.Braginskaya is having family issues and is getting very upset, and Mr.Vladamir is helping her out. They have combined their math classes. I don't really know why, but I guess it make it easier on Ms.Braginskaya. I do know that it happened yesterday after school because (1) it wasn't like that then and (2) my mom got a phone call about it. Gilbert goes to put Gilbird in his locker and I stop to say hi to Matthew, who is sitting in the hallway looking miserable. He tells me why. Alfred was being disruptive, as usual except more so, and the teacher told Al yesterday at the end of class to meet him in the morning. Well, Alfred decided to skip school all day, the teacher confused them, and made Matthew sit in the hall until he said so. He completely forgot about poor Matthew,so he had been sitting there for 2 hours and I was the first one to notice him since the teacher forgot. Speaking o forgetting, I need to hurry up to lunch. I will get into trouble if the teachers find out about me skipping. I don't want to lie, Sony hope no one notices.

"What's your combination?"

I look up to see Gilbert holding Katze and standing next to my locker. "18-48-8. Don't tell anyone!"

"Why would I?" Gilbert asks while opening my locker.

I shrug. "We need to hurry up to lunch." I say while walking over to him.

He looks at me after putting Katze in my locker and closing it. "Ok." He takes my hand and we start towards the lunchroom.

(A/N: Sorry this one is so short!

I am pretty much copying this down b/c I already have most of it written on paper and I'm nearing the end of what I have so far. That means I may not be updating so much. I will not post less than once a week and if I'm going somewhere where I can't I will let you guys know. If I feel like I'm not posting enough, then I will start copying another prussia x reader that I am writing. That's all for now so Ciao!)

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