Six Years Later

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(A/N: I know it's been a while since I've updated this fic, but I've finally written some! yayy! I don't really know how many of you guys have still stuck around waiting on me, and to those who did, thanks! *hugs you* I'm not sure about how good this chapter will be, so maybe give me some feedback on it. I hope you enjoy it anyways! (^_^) )
It's been six years since I found out about the country thing. HWA has built a college so anyone who went to HWA can go there, if they want. It's called the HWC (Hetalia World College). Almost everyone who went to HWA is going here, because 1.) it's close and 2.) it has a broad selection and many specializations. Gilbert and I are going there. Feliks, Heracles, Antonio, Francis, Matthew, and a bunch of other people are going there. Michelle and Francis broke up later in 8th grade, an now Francis and Joan are together. She came to HWA in 11th grade, and isn't a country, like me. (A/N: Joan is Joan of Arc.) Heracles hasn't talked to me since eighth grade. On "the country day", Gilbert asked me to be awesome with him. Like, be his girlfriend. It was like one of the best questions ever, but now that I'm 20, it could get better, if you know what I mean.

If you are wondering why I'm not in school right now, it's because I haven't actually started yet. (Duh, right?!) the semester hasn't actually started yet, and HWC doesn't allow people to start before a semester ends, which makes sense to me. It starts in two days. Not very much time, but oh well. Actually, I'm kind of excited for college to start. While I was waiting for the semester to start it was pretty much eat, sleep, go to work, see Gil', repeat.
I sit down on my sofa, and grab the remote to see what's on the tv, hoping something good is on. After a minute of flipping through channels with no luck, I click in Netflix and find Doctor Who. (A/N: I don't really know if you watch/like doctor who, but I like it so I'm kind of using it. If you don't really like it, then pretend it is a different show.) I click on a random episode, which happens to be ______________, and see if Gilbert is awake yet. It's 9:47. I can't remember when he usually wakes up. We both don't have work today, so it's probably later than usual, but I can't remember when usual is. Hopefully, it is a little earlier than now. I grab my phone and call him. It rings for a little while, and is about to go to the voicemail when he answers in a very tired voice," Nein, I can't fill in for you at vork today, it's my day off.." I hear movements in the background, and then,"Oh crap. Hey _____. I thought it was John. He's been trying to get me to fill in for him at work."

"John? Who's John? Ackk...never mind... do you wanna come over?"

"Sure. I will be a minute. It's not like I'm ready or anything. You do realize you woke me up?"

I have no idea how that is funny, but I laugh," Yeah. I don't think you would mix me and John up otherwise. Err...See you in a few minutes I guess..."

"Ja. Liebe dich!" (A/N: German-love you)

I blush hard." Ich liebe dich auch. Erm..ciao," I say, using one if the few German phrases I know, and the hang up. (A/N: German-I love you too.)

I plop down on the sofa and fangirl inwardly. I think I do this almost every time he says that. I can't really help it. I lay there until my phone vibrates. It's him. He says he's on his way. About five minutes and he'll be here. I hop up and pop some popcorn, after a minute. Once it's ready, I put a little extra salt and butter on it. As I finish, the door opens and he walks in. I think he has a key, but I'm not sure if he does or not. And I'm pretty sure he has an issue with knocking. Whenever we go to someone else's house, if we know them, he walks right in. I grab to popcorn and go and sit in the couch next to him. He already has the remote, and hits play. I'm not really sure how much attention we are paying to the show because we are talking a little and stuffing our faces with popcorn. I don't usually eat like that around people, but It's just different around him, if you know what I mean. We ate it so fast that I had to make some more after 20 minutes, and I had made a lot the first time.

We basically sit and be couch potatoes watching tv until his brother, Ludwig, forces us to come outside to the park with him and Feli. Like, he picks both of us up and carries us to his truck. It is very awkward to have your boyfriend's younger brother pick both of you up, and carry you. And Feli was trying to feed us pasta while everything was happening.

Gilbert and I were still in our pjs, so I persuaded Ludwig to let us change.
He got kind of embarrassed when I said we were still in them. He gave us five minutes to change and actually timed us.
(Author's note:
I finally can think of ideas to this fic! I'm soo happy. And I started another one. It's englandXreader. It's called Books. I just started soo... there isn't very much yet. Please check it out!
I really enjoy reading your comments. So comment suggestions, any errors, things you enjoy, etc.
Thanks for reading~!))

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