The Kitten

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On the way back to my house, I see a stray kitten. I run over to pet it and remember Heracles. I have plans with him. I put the kitten in my backpack and text my mom, letting her know I am going to the pet store with Heracles. I turn around and start walking to the pet store. It is walking distance,only 3 blocks away. I pull out the cat, and it purrs and licks my cheek. He is a white kitten with a scar over his right eye. Heracles might like to have him, but I might decide to keep him.

About 20 minutes later, I arrive. Heracles gets off his buss here. I run in and show Heracles the kitten. Only he doesn't see it. He did fall asleep standing up. I know how to wake him up. I hold the kitten up to his face, and the kitten sniffs him. Heracles jolts awake, takes the kitten and gives it some catnip. He must be made of catnip, he has so much of it.

"What's his name?" Heracles asks.


"What's his name?" Heracles asks, louder.

"I don't know! I just found him!" I speak even louder.

"Can I have him?"

"NO! I found him!" I yell.

"DON'T YELL! THESE KITTENS ARE ASLEEP!" Heracles yells back.

"BYE!" I snatch the kitten back and run out. Instead of walking home, I jog. I want to get out of there as soon as possible. I don't know what made me so mad. I just feel really ticked off at Heracles. I hope he gets kicked out a third time.

I break down. I start crying. Why do I feel so attached to a stray flea bitten kitten that I yell at one of my best friends when he asks an innocent question?

I've started running. Poor kitten, he must be so shaken. I should probably give him a break. Good thing we are coming up on a park. He can play around and I can calm down.

We, as in my kitten and I, take a walk. I see Lili and her big brother Vash. Lili is really nice, but is very shy. Vash keeps to himself and gets agitated easily. Lili would probably like to see the kitten. I still haven't named him.

Lili sees me and runs over. She is so cute when she runs; it is kinda slow and playful, with her arms out, like a child pretending to be an airplane.

She hugs me,"Can I hold your kitty?"

"Of course," I exclaim, happy for someone to acknowledge him as mine and not question me about him right away.


"Yes, Lili?"

"What is its name?"

I sigh,"I don't know yet. Help me pick one?"

"Is Katze ok?"

"It sounds nice, but what does it mean? It is German, right?"

"Hehee. It means cat."

"It suits him."

"I know. I wanted to get a pet and name it Katze, but big brother won't let animals inside." Lili turns and squints at Vash. My eyes widen, even though I'm not really surprised. I've never been to their house, even though I've seen it- it's huge- because Vash won't let me or anyone else enter.

"Ciao Lili, I need to go home. Bye Vash." I take Katze from Lili and start heading home. I feel more relaxed now I am still wondering what happened with Heracles. I guess I will talk to him at school.

I wonder what my mom will say about Katze. I call her and have to leave a message. "Hi mama! I found a kitten. He is white, with red eyes. He has a scar on his right eye. Lili and I named him Katze. Ich Liebe Dich (German: i love you) , Bye." I finish the walk home.

My mom freaked out when she walked in to me cleaning him. The fleas going down the sink did not calm her any. Katze whimpered. Then, she saw him. She wanted to finish cleaning him because "I didn't know what I was doing".

"We are keeping him." That was the first thing she said after freaking out.

I am going to take him to school tomorrow to show Gilbert.

My mom just checked her voice mail. She said its ok to keep his name Katze. She goes to get a ribbon. It is a German flag. It is kind of battered, but it also suits him. We tie it around his neck. Not too tight.

(A/N: Did you see what I did there with Katze? He's Neko-Prussia!)

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