Exact Numbers

168 13 0

I go through my next periods in silence. Finally it is sixth period, and Gilbert might be in there. I really hope he is. I walk in, a few minutes later than yesterday, and see him at his desk. He has his head down. I'm so happy to see him.

I sit down in front of him and say hi. Gilbert looks up at me. No smile, no blush, no anything except a mumbled hey and then he looks back down. Why would he? Well, I guess I do know, but....

I scribble a note to him-

Gil, we need to talk, or at least I do. After school, meet me at the park. It's important.


I slip it to him and he takes it. Hesitantly, Gilbert opens it. His eyes move across the page, and he looks at me and nods. I grin at him and I think I would hug him if he were closer.

Mr.Tino begins class by showing pictures. He laughs through out it. Mr.Su doesn't look at the screen. Mr.Tino put a selfie of himself half way through it.

We are supposed to begin researching. Gilbert and I walk over to he computers. It is one computer per two people, so we take turns. The one who isn't on the computer takes notes and watches.

I watch most of the time. I start getting carried away in thought. Gilbert occasionally nudges me to bring me back.

There seems to be a distance between us. Him being sad is making me sad. What could I do? I consider this and come up with a solution. It might work, but it might not. I know I have to do it to see it is will work so I do. I lean over and hug him. I don't do one of those sloppy touchy hugs- what good would that do- I do a simple hug-the kind you do to comfort someone. The hug is kind of sideways, but it is still nice.

He sits there, looking at me, surprised, and then he hugs me back. Everything is pushed away, it is him and me. I hear a faint giggling around us and am pulled back to the classroom. I open my eyes to see Mr.Su standing above us. Gilbert and I pull away at the same time.

Blushing, I whisper, "Sorry," even though I'm not. I enjoyed it. Mr.Su winks at us, but says seriously," if you do that again, your classmates won't be so jealous." He meant that. Mr.Su walks away and resumes talking to Mr.Tino.

I look at Gilbert and he smiles at me. What a relief he isn't as upset anymore. Before I can stop the thought from entering my mind, I silently wish he would ask me out or something.

"How many people got infected?" Gilbert asks, breaking the mood.

"I don't know..You're the researcher."

"Well, Mr.Tino said exact numbers and the Internet only said about some really high number. "

"Well then...we might mess up pretty big on the project. Because who knows how many people died," I think for a moment,"Maybe we could talk to Mr.Su."








"Please?" Gilbert and I ask together.


I think frantically for something that might get Mr.Su to say yes. I think I heard he liked cute things. Well, it's worth a try," We'll let you pet and hold Gilbird...." I smile. I know that was kind of a lame proposition, but it was all I had.

Gilbert gives me a sideways glance.

Mr.Su's eyes look happy,"G've m' 'n 'bout n'mber. It's a deal."

(A/N: Sorry if my Sweden speech is slightly off. I'm basically omitting vowels in "unnecessary" places.

If you think something is cool or you like something in my fanfic, please comment. Also if you see a grammar error let me know.... just make sure it is correct let me know. I will see it and will try to comment/fix it.

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