At The Park And Pasta

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(A/N: I got my ipod taken away for a really long while, so i havent had a chance to get on. I'd like to thank everyone who didn't delete this from their library because they thought i wasnt going to post again ever. i should be posting more on at least one of my fanfics so enjoy!)

We finally left. I grabbed some stuff for me and Gilbert to eat while we were there. Ludwig is forcing, well, actually it's more like encouraging Feli to run laps with him. Poor Feli. Gil' and I are sitting on the swings, eating. A little kid runs up to us, and tries to make Gilbert get up. He stands up and the kid sits on Gil's swing. "Hey, kid...get up. Or I'm gonna get your dad or mom or vhoever."

The kid gets this sassy look on his face. "My names not kid. I'm Peter. Peter Kirkland. And my dad isn't here. Only my brother."

I sigh. Geez, that kid is bratty. Kirkland....that's Iggy's last name. So they're brothers.

Gilbert smirks," I think Arthur vill be upset with you if I have to get him." He starts to walk away.

"Noooo! Don't get him. He'll kill me! here have your stupid seat. I don't care." Peter sniffs and runs to Iggy, and Gilbert sits down.

The kid gets a really funny look on his face and sticks his tongue out at us. Then, he runs, toward Iggy, I think. Gilbert mumbles,"tattletale..." I look at him confused. He gives a little smile. "That's the look Ludwig would get when he was telling on me." I nod and we sit there, basically waiting to be told on, saying nothing.

I don't really like the quiet, so I reach out a hand and poke him. He
looks at me and pokes my cheek. I sigh," Do you know why your brother made us come?"

He shrugs." I don't know. Sometimes he calls me or comes over and makes me work out. It's kinda fun. I think mostly he's worried about me staying inside too much. Like, blogging and stuff."

"Okay. Why today though?"

Gilbert looks down, kind of embarrassed like. "I skipped the last time. And he..errr...worries about me. Just because I'm Prussia," He huffs,"Ludwig thinks he will be able to 'save' me if I try and become stronger."
I try not to laugh, and nod my head solemnly. I glance at Gilbert, and he bursts out laughing. I start laughing to and then Peter runs back with Arthur, at which we stop.

Arthur looks surprised to see us and glares down at Peter. Peter looks up at him and whines," These at the two big mean bully's who pushed me off my seat and took it." Arthur looks at Gil' and me to confirm or deny it, and we both shake our heads. He nods slightly," That's what I thought."
We grin a little and then Peter bursts into tears. All of our expressions turn to concerned. I get up off of my swing and Ben down next to him," What are you so upset about," I ask as softly as I can.
He sniffles," Because n-none of the o-other k-kids want me to play w-with them b-because I'm not an o-official c-country..."
That confuses me even more...How can someone not be an official country? "Which country are you, then?"
He looks up miserably,"Promise you won't laugh?"
I nod my head solemnly,"I promise."
He nods and whispers,"Sealand."

I know I've heard about that place before the seaport off the coast of England. It's a micro nation, and those other kids are right in a way. But it is technically a country. I smile softly,"I've heard of Sealand before," after a pause, I add," You can have my swing. If you want."
He grins and hops into the swing,"Really?! Thanks!"
Gilbert gives me a panicked look that says I don't wanna hang out with this kid! I give him a pitying look and shrug my shoulders. Walking over to the bench I hear Peter challenge Prussia to a who-can-swing-the-highest competition. I laugh and sit down.

After a minute or two, I hear Feliciano and Ludwig coming up. Feli runs up saying we are going out for pasta now, and he grabs my hand to make me get up. Gilbert says something to Peter and runs over here. We hop into the truck and Ludwig drives us to some random pasta place, which I can't remember the name of.

On the way Gil complains a little about Peter. Honestly I don't blame Gilbert or those other kids for not wanting to hang around him. He continues until his brother tells him to shut up, at which he silences. Gilbert gets a sneaky look on his face and nudges me with his elbow. I look over at him and he pulls Gilbird out of the cup holder next to him. Like, when did he ever put the bird there? I grin and he lets Gilbird fly up to Ludwig's head. The bird is exceptionally motionless and Ludwig never notices.

Walking into the pasta place, I guess Feli notices because he looks back at us and smiles. We walk inside and the girl who seats up gives Ludwig a weirded out look, which he notices. After she leaves, he takes Gilbird off his head. And hands him to Gilbert with an 'I am not amused' look, but laughs it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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