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I get off of the bus and run to the park. I let my mom know, and then I let Katze out. Now all I have to do is wait. About 20 minutes later, he walks up out of breath, "What is it?"

"Why did you run off? I talked to Matthew and he said Prussia. What did he mean?"

Gilbert sighs, "Did he tell you about us representing countries?"

"Yes. Which one are you?"


I should have guessed that. "You are Prussia?! Doesn't Prussia d-" Gilbert interrupts, "Don't say it. Please don't."

I stop. "Are you going to......"

Gilbert nods. "I will live a few years left than the average lifespan. I suppose it isn't too bad...but, I don't like thinking of my own death," He pauses,"and a few big, wealthy, or even really awesome nations die, earlier than most. There's me, Feli's grandpa-Rome, And a few others. With Holy Roman Empire, most people think he died, but he didn't. He's Germany..Ludwig. He doesn't realize it and sometimes that upsets Feli...but I've tried to talk to him about it and it upsets him. He's forgotten himself- or can't. Maybe he won't. The scariest thing to me is being forgotten. I know there is history books, but as time passes, things are left out. I don't remember the last time I saw Prussia in a history book. It's dreadful. "

(A/N: Yesterday in the school library I was searching for Prussia in the dictionary. He wasn't there. So I picked up a World Book (P) and he had two sides of a page. [ | ] (like that if that was a book.) and then I looked up Spain for my friend in the S book and guess how many pages there was?! There was about 20. TWENTY!! I almost cried. Like, there were tears in my eyes. )

I stand there in awe. I didn't know being a country was like that. Worrying about that all the time. How is he still here is Prussia was demolished? "How are you still....?" I trail off.

"I don't know. Maybe it's a glitch. Sometimes Rome's ghost drifts around. But I'm real. I'm not gone. So maybe Prussia is still out there. Not much, just enough to...for me to be here. I'm glad I am," he looks at me and smiles. His canine teeth show. I blush and look down. I'm happy I got to meet him. Without him, Heracles might have been scarier. Today's lunch may have been more awkward. I would still be alone on the bus. "Thank you," I whisper, wondering I could prolong his lifespan. Because Prussia is alive. If I could get people to recognize him as a country, that might help. It might. But it might depend on wether or not the country exists or not. Prussia doesn't officially exist, so maybe just barely enough people know band I could bring him to everyone's attention.....would that work? Probably not because who all would be affected by another country? I would...but that's one person.

We stand for a few minutes, an then I look up. Gilbert raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth, as if to say something, but doesn't. Did I.... I freeze, "Did I say that out loud?" Gilbert smiles and nods his head. I start blushing and laughing. It is more like an awkward giggling. I don't know why. Maybe I'm embarrassed, or maybe it's just slightly funny. I take a deep breath and pull myself together, "Do you think it's possible?"

"I doubt it. Though, it is a nice idea."

I nod and we sit there for a while. Not talking or doing anything. 

Just being there. 


Mr. Grayhair (Prussia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now