Elizabeta, Ludwig, and Skipping Class

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We walk into the school. I know his schedule now. It is:

1.) Mr.Edelstein 2.)Ms.Braginskaya 3.) Mr. Jones sr. 4.) Mr.Hassan 5.) Mr.Von Bock 6.) Mr.Tino/Su.

As I am about to tell him my schedule, Elizabeta walks up. She is one of the "popular" kids. She has a crush on Mr.Elelstein, but that doesn't stop her from flirting with every unexpecting guy. If they rufuse her, she hits them with her frying pan. One time she hit me with it because I didn't holds door open for her. She hates me now, which Is probably why she came over to Gilbert. She thinks I like him. She is right, but still.

She starts going on and on about stuff that didn't make make sense to me, but it did to Gilbert. You could tell. It was a different language and Gilbert understood it, so so I'm pretty sure it was German.

I think I hear my name. Gilbert looks awkward at first, then upset. He yells something back in that language, and before I know it, he slaps her. She screams and starts attempting to get him with the pan.

He ducks out of the way, being especially careful with his backpack. Gilbert grabs my heads and pulls me down the hall way; half dragging me.

We and up at the water fountain in what I think is the sixth grade hallway. Gilbert bends over and gulps down water. It must have taken around 3 minutes.

Finally he looks up. His face is almost as red as his irises. I really want to know what she said. "Gilbert?"


"What did Elizabeta say?" when he first looked up from drinking, I couldn't tell what is face was saying. Now, he blushes.

"I don't vanna talk about it. Maybe later."

"Ok, but I think she said my name. That's what I really want to hear about."

"She did say your name, and it vas about you. That's vhy I don't vanna talk about it."

"Ok...One more thing. Remember how yesterday we got the same group in last period?" I say, blushing," when you said,'..______, that's her name, right?' I didn't hear anymore, but I've been curious."

Gilbert turns red again." I don't know vhy you keep popping into my conversations."

"You call yelling at Liz a conversation?"

"Ve vent back and fourth. That's how conversation vorks."

"True. Why do I keep popping into your conversations, anyways?"

Gilbert blushes harder. "Ummm....I....you....you are... interesting."


"Yes. Interesting."

"Cool, interesting is better than weird or crazy or creepy."


Katze starts mewing so i let him out. He stays next to me. Gilbert lets Gilbird out, and he flies straight to Katze's shoulder.

We hear kids tramping through the hall. Gilbird flies into Gilbert's backpack and I stick Katze in mine.

The kids are definitely sixth graders. A little blonde one is talking to Feliciano. He matches Feliks's description of Gilbert's little brother, so I'm pretty sure they are related.

My suspicions are confirmed when he walks over to my friend with a sneaky look on his face. "Hey Gil'...is that your girrrlfriend??"

Gilbert blushes and gives him a look that says,"I'm gonna kill you when we get home!" and says," NO!"

I'm glad the little kid didn't see me blushing because even though he only says,"Sure.." with squinty eyes and a smirk, it could have been....worse.

He looks up at me and winks. Gilbert sees and pushes him a little, not enough to hurt him.

The sixth grader smiles big. He skips back over to Feli and they skip down the hallway.

I see Lovino running down after them, trying to get his brother's attention. Mr.Wang, I know that's my bus driver, but he is also the janitor, stops him and speaks harshly, telling Lovino not to run or he will send him to detention. Lovino looks like he is going to cry, but surprises Mr.Wang by yelling something that I will not repeat, and runs away, laughing. Mr.Wang yells something back at him in Chinese. It didn't sound very nice either.

"What is your brother's name?" I ask, turning to Gilbert.

"How do you know he is my brother?"

"Feliks told me and he was the only kid who really noticed you."

Gilbert looks kind of upset at my last comment. "His name is Ludwig. Ludwig Beilschmidt."

We, as in Gilbert and I, stand talking. I guess we lose track of time because it was 9:00 and now it is lunchtime, 11:45. I skipped two classes. Of course, I had fun, but I think I had a test. Yikes.

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