Chapter 11

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chapter eleven - k e n d r a

"But it doesn't make sense," Grandpa stressed. "It's not like they're included in the treaty. They aren't bound by any convents." He looked up. "There should be no reason to why our current predicament is taking place."

Everyone was in the living room, discussing the issue at hand, even Percy and Annabeth, which was abnormal. Bracken was laying on the couch, and Grandpa was standing. Grandma was in a kitchen seat she pulled up, with her legs crossed. Warren and Dale were both leaned forward on different wooden pillars. Percy and Annabeth took up another couch, holding hands. Usually, meetings would take place in the office, but since Bracken couldn't move that well, we were in the living room. Everything about this meeting was out of place. Different. It felt like that was how it was going to be now, but it was too early to tell whether it'll be a good or bad different.

After his little speech, Grandpa looked around for any solutions, but no one came forward to explain or propose new ideas. When it was clear no one had anything to share, Annabeth cleared her throat.

"In the treaty, are specific individuals mentioned or are guidelines set out for species and groups?" The two newcomers were filled in on the basics of the treaty that bound the preserve earlier. They also learned helpful terms like 'preserve.' Before, Percy was calling it a 'weird-ass' zoo.

Grandpa frowned in response to the question. "The tribes and species are how the treaty distinguishes, not by individual's names, yes."

Standing up, she continued with her hands illustrating her voice. "With all due respect, are you sure demigods aren't mentioned? We've been around a while and had our fair share of coverups. Do you have a library or records we could go through? There might be some obscure

"Parts of the treaty and records were destroyed in the manor's...incident. We don't have a library, but we have a conclusive amount of persons on the preserve with possible information. That might be the best course of action, finding someone to investigate." Grandpa stood up. "Tonight, we shall look through the records and try to find a reliable person to inquire with tomorrow."

Everyone started to leave and go to their respective abodes except Bracken, Percy, Annabeth, Seth, and me.

Seth broke the silence, directing his attention to Percy. "Can you show us some of your powers?"

My elbow shot out and jabbed him in the side. "Seriously?"

"It's fine," Percy said, humor dancing in his eyes. "You two remind me of these two kids, Nico and Bianca." Percy leaned forward, but kept his hand in Annabeth's as she leaned back on the couch. "You have a water bottle?"

Within seconds, Seth dashed to the kitchen. He rushed back, almost slamming into the table with the water bottle in hand.

Percy uncapped the bottle. Water shot up out of the bottle and hung in the air, just sort of standing there, like how Hugo used to do, awaiting orders.

"Cool," Seth said in awe. He was smitten. It didn't matter what was happening, if Seth found a new toy, he'd be enthralled.

The liquid folded into a canary, and the bird started to flap, soaring around the supports and wooden beams. Percy then flicked his hand, and with a whistle of displaced air, it flew back into the bottle. He seemed to have water under his mind's control. It was freaky, and I was suddenly grateful he's more or less our ally.

Seth was absolutely zealous for the cool trick. "What else can you do?"

"I can do that and some other things." He shrugged.

It was Annabeth's turn to laugh. "He's too humble." She leaned forward and looked both ways, pretending to be overly cautious. She then whispered for everyone to hear: "He can breathe underwater and make hurricanes."

Seth's eyes widened, and you could tell he was over the moon. Seth couldn't tell, but I could. They were having so much fun with Seth's amazement. There was also a flicker of sadness when they looked at me, a hint of remembrance. I wonder if it had anything to do with him mentioning the two kids we reminded him of. If so, what happened to them if it was enough to make them look sad? Is it a warning sign that we might have a similar fate?

"What can you do?" Seth asked, pointing at Annabeth, snapping me out of my thoughts. While Percy utilized his freaky mind over water powers, we didn't see any of Annabeth's. I mean, she's half-god, right? She must be crazy weird too. Crazy dangerous.

"I can naturally master useful crafts instantaneously as soon as I start. I'm skilled in combat, stealth, and I'm a battle strategist." She said, leaning back, while Percy put his arms around her. I wasn't surprised at her announcement, she really did look like a warrior, especially with her ponytail and dagger strapped to her waist. But I still had more questions. Are they immortal? What gods? Why is the wound so devastating to Annabeth?

I decided to answer one of those questions.

I nodded to the bandage around her wound, more curious about how it was healing so fast. "When you said that was spiritual more than physical, what did you mean?"

"Certain metals are very effective against monsters, and by relation, it also can leave nasty cuts for demigods. Although, this one was also poisoned, making it worse." She nodded to it. "My buddy once got stabbed with a celestial bronze sword. It took his willpower to overpower the hold it had on his soul."

"But anyway," Annabeth continued, acting like they didn't just discuss fatal stab wounds with problems with personal soul space. "Wanna hear a joke?"

o u t s i d e  n a r r a t o r

The rest of the night, while the adults were pouring over books, the five of them laughed away, reading jokes and merriment. The fire was crackling, and the blankets cozy. What they didn't know, was that their positive interactions were slowly repairing a bridge between the two worlds, previously burnt.


looking back years later, I have no idea why I included an outside narrator but ykyk

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