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         "(Y/D), you have been called to the lab."

I was not surprised. Shockwave has called for me many times, asking for my help much to everyone's confusion. Shockwave never asked for help unless someone was assigned to help him, like the Medic. The other vehicons try to keep me away from him on account of not being able to where a mask like the others. They say he is to much of a loose cannon when it comes to femmes, and that he flirts with those he knows are femmes of our ranks... I hope to never meet him.

     Entering a passcode Shockwave gave me, the massive door slid open, and I smiled at the mech as he turned to me.

         "I hope your journey here was with little trouble."

         "To be honest it was almost boring this time," I sighed, wishing for something to come up.

         "I do not think the lack of violence is a terrible thing," he commented, to which I shrugged.

         "There's usually at least a small scuffle in the halls, or confusion as to where to go, Darkmount being so much bigger than the Nemesis."

         "The Vehicons are becoming accustomed to the layout," was his statement, and then he went back to work.

     Deciding to clean up the mess around him, of which there was a lot, I waited until he said I could go. Through paying attention to the deployments, I found that Shockwave called for me during the major expeditions, though sometimes he will call for me when Megatron is nearby my station, checking on things. It's nice, being near him so often, but I question what it all means. He does not show sentiment, but I do not expect it, this is Shockwave after all. I just wish he would stop being so vague about things, it is very unlike him.

         "Could you acquire the hard drive currently in the computer," Shockwave asked, and I nodded, despite the fact he did not look to me.

     I found the hard drive, and took it out, a small beep coming from the computer. I turned, only to watch the door open, and Lord Megatron himself walk through. I quickly turned away, tripping, and falling to the floor. I knew I had many dents now, but I did not care as I forced myself up and placed the hard drive next to Shockwave, who now ignored me.

         "Your visit was not anticipated," he stated the obvious.

I made sure to keep my faceplate turned away from the war lord.

         "Your Predacon is malfunctioning," Megatron stated coldly, "And will not listen to proper orders."

         "I will look into it," he stated, but Megatron did not leave, "Vehicon, find my data pad, it is in the back... it is quite a mess, mind you."

I nodded, and quickly went to find the translucent piece of tech, and it was easily found, the back being quite tidy, so I knew he wanted me to stay here until Megatron left. I decided to listen in on the conversation.

         "Why do you keep vehicons as company?" I heard Megatron ask.

         "This particular soldier has shown an understanding in technology and sciences."

He called me a soldier... but I am no soldier...

         "You are using their knowledge to further your work? This is unlike you."

         "Apologies for correcting you, but it is no different then when you assign the Medic Knockout to assist in my work."

This was not completely true... he doesn't really ask for my help, or order me around, I just do what I see that needs doing... Or does he really think me like a hired hand?

         "Of course," Megatron sighed, seemingly disappointed in his find, "I will leave you to your work then."

     I heard the door slide, and then it shut with a low hiss. I came out of my hiding place, handing Shockwave his data pad.

        "That was... unexpected," I tried to start a conversation.

         "He is suspicious." Shockwave stated, setting the tinted glass down, and motioning for me to sit on the medical berth.

         "Suspicious of what?"

         "Of my preferences in helpers."


The room became silent, but it wasn't the usual, comfortable silence I had come to know. This silence was... awkward at best, only being cut through by the faint whirr of a buffer as Shockwave finished repairing the dents in my armor. If only I wasn't so fragile...

         "Why do you do this?" I asked after a while.

         "An illogical question, you needed repairs."

         "No, that much is obvious, I mean why do you call me here. I'm not much good, and there's many others of my rank that can cover for me in the field if it comes to that."

He placed the buffer away, and I slid off the medical berth.

         "I am making it certain, that it will not come to that," he informed, "It is not because of your usefulness that I call you here, though my lab has been more orderly since I have been calling you. It is because of your value to me, unless you have forgotten of a specific show of affection."

He tapped where I had kissed him before, and I felt my cooling fans kick in, though it was a soft hum, and not very noticeable.

         "Uh... I didn't think-"

         "That I would accept?"

         "Yes-I mean no! I mean..."

I felt a gentle servo take my own, and I looked up from the floor, seeing Shockwave's bright red optic. He was so close...

         "Your rambling is illogical."

A giggle escaped me as I smiled, a small smile, a sheepish smile, but a smile.

         "Your vagueness is torturous, and not like you."

         "Have I been vague?" he asked, and I nodded, my smile widening the smallest bit, "I hope you can forgive me of this error, I had not realized I was leaving you in agony."

He touched a digit to my cheekplate, and out fear of the possible pain I moved away, but melted into his touch soon enough. He was so gentle, despite his reputation as a mad scientist.

         "I call you here to protect you, and to be selfish."

         "Selfish?" I chuckled, putting my own servo over his to keep it there, "What about this is selfish?"

         "The undeniable fact that I want to keep you with me, though this endeavor is quite illogical, I pursue it anyways." His deep voice lulled me into a state of bliss, and I let my guard down, a constant wall I had to learn to build as vehicon. It always seems... illogical, to keep it up around him.

     I helped Shockwave well into the day, and part of the night, despite my growing fatigue. He took it upon himself to teach me a few things of his profession. Perhaps I can learn enough and change my current job as a simple data clerk, to that of a scientist.

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