Human Horror Films

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     I had a smile on my faceplate, a not-so-uncommon thing anymore. Predaking had brought both Shockwave and I to a mountain top to watch the sun rise. Shockwave made no comment as we went higher and higher into the sky, and soon landed on the slightly snowy tip, over the clouds that hid us from prying human eyes. The scientist slid down from Predaking's back, and offered a servo for me to take hold, sliding down after him. I gave a short shiver to the chilly air that licked at my frame, sending my circuits into a state of panic, but by now I had gotten used to it, the evolved Predacon having taken me up into these heights many times before already.

         "How long are you able to withstand these temperatures?" Shockwave asked, and I looked away from the slowly growing colors.

         "Long enough wh-when Predaking acts as a b-barrier," I admitted, and the long body of the ancient beast wrapped around us both.

I instantly felt my core warm up to a more bearable temperature, and Shockwave provided an extra heat that helped keep me warmer than usual.

         "You like this, sunrise, you speak of?" he questioned, the horizon still not quite gaining the beauty it usually has in the morning, it was still quite early.

         "Very much," I smiled, "It's never the same, always unique."

Leaning into him, I felt his canon brush my side while his arm wrapped around my front, holding me close. We watched as the colors started to form. First light blue, then a dark pink turning into a light hue, and soon an orange, transitioning into the bright yellow of the Earth's sun.

         "See?" I asked with a soft smile.

         "I fail to understand your liking," he answered, "What I do understand is that it makes you smile. That is enough for me."

Shockwave is such a romantic, even if he doesn't realize it.

     Ever since my breakdown (no pun intended), he's never left me alone. I'm always within his sight, either by his side, or just in front of him. Megatron has questioned him about the sudden constants of my presence, saying that I'm a liability. That, apparently, was a mistake.

         "Lord Megatron I would refrain from calling her a 'liability'." Shockwave stated.

         "Watch your tone Shockwave," Megatron growled, he was only there because he was discreetly spying on the both of us, we both found it obvious, but didn't say anything about it, "Sparkmate or not, she is still a vehicon, and below the both of us."

         "Vehicon or not, being my sparkmate makes her equal to my own position."

Shockwave stood firm, with no hint that he was going to back down. Megatron's faceplate was blank as he looked to me, and I turned my own down, not being as brave as Shockwave at that moment. The warmonger merely huffed, and left, leaving me to finally release an ex-vent I had not realized I was holding, and my knee joints almost gave out, if it weren't for the metal counter to act as my crutch, I might have fallen to the floor in a painful heap of talc-like armor.

         "He's going to watch for any small mistake now," I noted, trying to right myself from leaning on the counter, being helped by the cyclops I was able to call mine.

         "Maybe so, but there won't be any if I can help it." He let me lean into him, and I felt my weak spark begin to adopt the beat of his much stronger one, a steady thrum that made my frown disappear into an expression of contentment.

         "I'm called your sparkmate," I began, "Yet we share no bond."

There was no further explanation of my statement needed, and I looked up to his singular optic. He made no response for what felt like the longest time a she stroked my cheekplate ever so gently. I felt the rest of my anxieties leave me as my optics closed, welcoming the feeling.

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