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         "Isn't it beautiful?"I asked Shockwave as we looked out the massive window of the Warship. I saw Cybertron dead, and now I see it alive!

         "I must confess," he started, "I did not think we would win."

This made me chuckle as I kissed the side of his optic.

         "Oh ye of little faith. Megatron's failures are not ours."

He stayed silent, looking to me for a moment.

         "A logical statement."

I played with one of his ever sensitive antenea, feeling it twitch between my digits.

         "I must apologize... for doubting."

         "No. I'm the one who needs to apologize," I sighed, "not telling you my plan was inconsiderate, but I knew you'd stop me."

         "I do not accept it."

This made me huff as I frowned, taking my servo from his helm.

         "And why not?"

         "Because your plan, secret though it was, worked. Apologizing is illogical."

His reasoning made sense, but it still felt good to try and apologize, accepted or not.

         "Well, apologies aside, we won. But there's one more thing we need to do."


     Making our way down the ramp onto the metal ground of Cybertron, I breathed in its air for the first time, feeling it's more metallic texture filter through my vents. This was natural, this was home, and my spark hummed with its foreign familiarity. My smile was soon a twisted one as my gaze turned to the Autobots kneeling in stasis cuffs. They all faced me except one, who faced his supposed unstoppable team, the fried husk of Arcee lying between them. Even Ultra Magnus was here, captured once Soundwave tracked Ratchet's distress signal.

         "Cybertron is alive," I told them, steping behind the line of beaten 'Bots, "but Cybertron is not living." The Prime glared at me as Shockwave came to be by my side, "The Allspark. Where is it?"

My demand was met with silence, and a toxic glare the mighty leader seemed to copy from Megatron.

         "I've studied every history in our archives, including those deciphered of Iacon, and the dissapearence of the Allspark lands in your servos," I stated, but it was as if he did not hear, just a constant steady stare, "This means you know where it is, so you're going to find it for us."

He finally spoke.

         "And you think you can merely show your legion to acquire what you want?"

         "You really shouldn't compare us to Megatron," I sighed, "unlike him I only toy with my victims if I can afford it. No, if you don't comply, for every hour that passes, so will one of your precious team members."

I saw Soundwave come from the depths of the Nemesis, ready for departure with the Prime.

         "Your warrior, Arcee, was offlined exactly 53 minutes and 29 seconds ago, that gives you a bit more than 6 minutes until the next victim is chosen. Until then you will sit here in solemn company."

Shockwave offered his servo, of which I took with a small smile. We walked by the line of Autobots, the darkened husk of the femme, and their beaten leader. If the one Autobot had stayed silent, Optimus' decision might have been different.

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