They Hide in the Shadows

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         "She's a nuisance."

         "It's like she owns the entire ship!"

         "How can SHE have more clearance than me? I have to separate the files SHE had to not that long ago!"

I had to hold my breath as they spoke, trying my best not to let them know I was listening just behind the wall, the door wide open that led into the commons area for the vehicons.

I had made the mistake of leaving the lab without Predaking. He wasn't here, so I decided that I was brave enough to go on my own. I was dreadfully wrong.

         "We can't just get rid of her," another vehicon stated, "Shockwave would become suspicious."

         "He'd decimate the entire fleet!" one closer to the open door noted, an amount of fear in their voice.

         "(Y/D) isn't even qualified to be his presence unless for medical reasons."

         "An argument to that is the fact she's an invalid."

My carrier... she sounds like she never cared...

         "We need a way around the system," she stated, "And I may have that way."

Before anything more was said, I slowly went away from the door until I was well out of their hearing range, by then I was bolting, frantically trying to find my way bck to the lab. I slid and almost rammed into the sliding door, putting in my pass code, and running through the empty lab and to the office, where I hunched down in a corner, and cried.

     I don't know I didn't expect this. perhaps it was because the words came from my own carrier. She was so cold... there was nothing that I thought was between us anymore. The emptiness of my bond ached, and yearned for her, it tried to grasp on the non-existent thread that connected me to her, only to fall and feel the cold emptiness that was like ice to my spark. I felt my frame go cold, and my spark slowed as it failed to find that strength it so desperately needed right now. I don't know how long I sat there, but it felt like days as I slowly become colder and colder, soon falling into a death-like recharge that I felt might help me escape from this living Pit I must endure.


     I was shaking...

No, someone was shaking me. But I don't want to open my optics. The tears will fall again, and I don't want to show my weakness.


Don't wake me up...


Leave me here to rust, cold and sparkbroken.

         "(Y/D) you will fail your studies."

Why is it that the most mundain of things can bring me out of a carefree state that I have longed for? Then again, the mech in front of me is far from mundain.

     I opened my optics, shivering as I felt the coldness my spark had been subjected to for what I felt to be eons.

         "Shockwave?" I winced as my frame relaxed, being tense for whatever time I had been sitting in the corner.

He placed his servo behind my helm to bring me closer so I could lean on him, and I welcomed his gentle touch as I let him bring me forward.

         "You have been here for the past Earth hour," he stated, "You are far below your natural heat level."

         "I-I know," I sighed, biting back more tears as I listened to his worried tone, well, what I knew to be his worried tone.

Shockwave sighed, and a few tears landed on his chassis as I hiccuped.

         "What happened?"

For moment I felt like not answering, but I knew he would pressure me, and I would tell in the end, so I caved.

         "I-I went out of the lab," I hiccuped once more, "And I had to pass the mess hall, b-but the door was open, and Predaking wasn't with me," he sat on the floor, and I found myself being brought up into his lap as I cried, "I was going to r-run past, but I heard them t-talking about me... M-my carrier said she might have a way to get ri-rid of me."

I couldn't keep the tears in, and they fell freely, my hiccups uncontrollable as I remembered her words. They were hurtful, and I was suddenly glad I didn't have a bond with her anymore. That would have hurt even more.

         "Your carrier plans to eradicate you?"

I only nodded, curling into my pitiful self as he held me. Shockwave began to rock back and forth, and I felt myself calm down as time passes, and my core begin to heat to it's natural temperature, no longer life threatening and to cold for my circuits to handle.

         "You are certain it was your carrier?" he questioned, and it didn't take me long to nod once more. I can't mistake the voice that used to sing me into recharge every night for someone else's.

     Shockwave sighed, and picked me up, placing me on the folded out berth that we didn't often share, though I always enjoyed it when we did. He pat my helm with his only servo, and I could hear what tears were left over fall, plip-plip onto the metal underneath me.

         "You need rest," he stated, and I merely nodded before I fell into a less death-like recharge.

How is there any doubt that he loves me?

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