Hidden Plans

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         "Stay here, it's safe," it would make sense to say that it was me begging, the Autobots having breached the Nemesis after a Vehicon had released Ratchet. Said drone is now at the mercy of Knockout, strapped to his dissection table, but his punishment will wait, since said medic is currently on the front lines like everyone else, except me.

         "I will not stand by as our troops are sent out with little hope of winning against Optimus Prime."

         "You have no way to fight," Shockwave stated the obvious, "Transforming is suicide," again, I know, "Stay here in our lab with Predaking-"


I will not paint myself as a coward, I am weak but I am not as fearful as I once was.

     Looking to the giant behind me, Predaking held a worried expression, which was of no help to my position.

         "I'm going to the control room to ensure we stay on course to the Space Bridge and to Cybertron. Once the Autobots see exactly where we're headed they'll want control, so I need a distraction long enough to activate the Omega Lock and revive our home."

Shockwave stared at me with his seldom changing optic, but I saw its light fade with uncertainty. Taking hold of his antenea, I brought his helm down to touch mine.

         "I'll take Predaking with me, okay?"

Still silent.

     I kissed the side of his optic, sliding a digit along his right antenea. He's worried, I know, but I also know that I'll be fine. At least that's what I'm telling him.

         "There is a high probability that our crusade may fail."

He stared off to the side, making me have to redirect his stare back to my own.

         "I'm going, Predaking will be with me. That's final." Staring into his still uncertain optic, I sighed, frowning, "We'll see each other again, and not behind bars, or within the Allspark. We'll be on Cybertron, rulers of the greatest empire there ever was."

         "You're illogically confident."

         "So goes the life of a femme," I let a sly smile slide it's way onto my derma, "now go lead our troops, they're fighting under Starscream's direction, so they'll offline for sure."

Our helms connected once more as his singular servo slid under the cape to pull me tighter. The moment was to short and we parted, him to the Omega Lock, me to the Control Room.

     For awhile the giant behind me was silent, but Predaking soon spoke his concerns.

         "You do know that I am not impenetrable, yes?"

         "Of course," I glanced up at him as we hurried, my cape fluttering behind me like wings, "you're worried about the Prime, aren't you?"

         "I would think all who go against him are, but no. I'm worried about your lack of worry."

In truth, I'm not worried. I'm terrified. My spark hums rapidly, an ever present ache  in knowing that Shockwave may be offlined, and I wouldn't know. Without a bond, I wouldn't know until someone told me, but we are unsure if a bond is wise with my Spark's fragility.

         "My lack of worry comes from knowledge of my own plan, unknown to even Shockwave."

That much is true.

         "I thought you held nothing from him," Predaking said with astonishment as we stepped through the doors of the control room.

         "Only in special circumstances such as this do I hold information from my beloved," I answered, then looked to Soundwave, "Status?"

He brought up the video feed of the Omega Lock where I saw every Autobot, aside from Ratchet (he was detained after his escape).

         "How long until we're in range?"

His visor showed exactly 3 minutes and 30 seconds... that may be to long.

         "Keep running our course, and stay alert, the Autobots aren't dumb enough to place all their troops on the Omega Lock..."

     I watched the camera feed, watching Starscream running from the Wrecker Bulkhead. Knockout was going helm to helm with the Autobot Scout, and Optimus was being bombarded by Vehicon and Seeker drones. My scientist was nowhere in the picture. The two wheeler Arcee was thrown, almost off of the Omega Lock, but the rookie Smokescreen helped the femme up. Then I saw him, fighting the ex-wrecker Wheeljack.

         "Wait... where's that Autobot they call Ultra Magnus?" I questioned.

He was nowhere on the Omega Lock, which meant he was still at their base of operations.

         "Soundwave, keep a scan up for the Autobot SIC."

I assumed he didn't have to when a foreign groundbridge made it's appearance, and Predaking transformed into his beast mode, snarling as his worm like body curled around Soundwave and I. We saw the hulking form of an Autobot, but it wasn't Ultra Magnus.

         "Knock-knock," the human femme smirked at us in the Apex Armor.

         "You're the fleshling they call Miko," I noted with bored optics.

         "And you're the 'Con who tricked us!" she pointed an accusing digit at me, and I only smiled.

         "You shouldn't have been so easily duped by a cripple. Soundwave?" he looked to me, "Make her disappear."

The two clashed behind, and Predaking curled tighter around me, protective as always.

     There was to much time for my liking: 2 minutes and 14 seconds, but with this pesty development it may be just enough. When a groundbridge sounded behind me I had to look back, and another one appeared to the left of Soundwave.

         "You're next!" the human hollered as she held onto a computer console, Soundwave struggling to resist the pull of the crossing groundbridges.

         "An illogical assumption," looking to Predaking I nodded towards the idiotic human, "fore how can I be next if you're first?"

She was hit by the blunt force of Predakings tail, and forced to take Soundwave's place as he was pushed to the other side of both groundbridges, safe, and in the regular realm.

         "~Question~" he stood up, obviously stunned, and understandably so, "~How did you~ ~know that~ ~would~ ~work?~"

         "I didn't," I answered truthfully, turning back to the computer, "But I'm glad it did."

     1 minute until we were in range, which meant I had to get everyone off of the Omega Lock, or else they were going to be fried. I commed Starscream.

         ":Start a slow retreat- :"


         ":Watch your tone!:" I ordered, ":Hold the Autobots back as far in as you can, or else you'll all fry. You have 50 seconds.:"

Starscream started the steady retreat, and the Autobots were looking cocky, aside from Optimus. Shockwave was ordering Starscream to stop his retreat, but the Seeker knew better.

         "~Now~ ~in range~"

This will ensure our win... Cybertron will be alive again. I'll see it with my own optics.

         "Activate the Omega Lock."

Not everyone was at a safe distance, but who cared if an Autobot or two offlined.

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