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     Everything went back to a relative normality. Predaking often was my bodyguard if I left the lab, which wasn't often, but he always insisted that I get out more, and Shockwave agreed, which surprised me, but I simply shrugged and went along with it. I was trying to find a specific computer room, meant for the storing of all previous lab activities, when I had the unfortunate run-in with an Insecticon. I fell into Predaking, luckily, as the giant beetle hissed at me, and I tried to scramble back, as most vehicons would, but the ancient being behind me was a secure wall I couldn't bypass.

         "I suggest you watch your step," he commanded, but this was an Insecticon, they don't listen very well to others...

         "Your advisory is null and void," the Insecticon spat, "she should watch were she goes."

Predaking was about to say something back, most likely not very pleasant, but I looked up to him as I placed a servo on his arm, a pleading look to let the Insecticon mech go. The evolved beast nodded, though was obviously still quite peeved at my decision.

         "How do you accept such treatment?" he asked as we entered the computer room.

         "I'm a vehicon," I answered, shrugging, "It's... a normality."

         "Shockwave's sparkmate should not be treated as such." he reasoned gently, and I felt my cooling fans kick in at the mention of me being his sparkmate. We weren't sparkmates... though I hope to be one day... Shockwave avoids the subject, and it makes me question him... am I not good enough to be a true sparkmate? Am I just a loving companion?

     I acquired what data I needed, downloaded into a flash drive I had taken along, and left, hoping to find my way back with little opposition, though I didn't expect much with Predaking at my side. He acted like a little cyber-puppy, always on guard, never leaving my side. I guess I gave him a purpose since what would have been his family is now destroyed. I talked to Shockwave about it, and he admits to be somewhat regretful of it, though not for Predaking's sake. He regret destroying all that hard work he had worked on for so long, only for it to be blown up in a matter of seconds. I don't blame him. I helped in much of his work on Earth, and feel the pain of letting a project like that simply obliterated. At least one good thing came of it, and that was the findings of Synth-en combined with the liquid used to form the Predacons, made a form of Cyber matter, the exact concoction needed to awaken our long dead planet, or cyber-form Earth, either is fine with me.

         "(Y/D), your processor is elsewhere while pressing matters need to be attended to."

I looked up to the evolved being, now in front of me. I appear to have stopped at one point while I was thinking.

         "Sorry," I muttered, and continued past him.

         "Is there something that bothers you?" he asked, such a gentlemech, if only I didn't have to lie to him, but I don't want to lose his protection, nor his favor, and telling him that it was us Decepticons that destroyed what would have been his brethren, was suicide.

         "Just... matters," I answered, "As you said there are very pressing matters to attend to. Not to mention the careful steps I must make in order to ensure that there is no reason to send me back to the other vehicons."

         "Shockwave wouldn't allow that," Predaking stated firmly, "And neither would I."

         "As thoughtful as that is, everyone must obey Lord Megatron's order if it his him who deems me as... un-useful at Shockwave's side."

         "I doubt this. You have progressed Shockwave's experiments farther then I bet he believes they could go. He also enjoys your company."

         "I'm surprised anyone else realizes that." I giggled.

         "Even before I found I could transform, I paid close attention to what he showed in order to tell if he was angry, or perhaps proud," Predaking replied, "He would not open up to me as he does you, but as time went on, I was able to determine what he felt, and I can assure you that he loves you very deeply."

         "Y-you can tell that?" I cursed myself for stuttering. My uncertainty on the subject is illogical.

         "Not only does he act different around you, but he smells different as well."

         "Smells different?" My curiosity rose to a surprising level at this fact. How could he smell different when around me?

         "Certain fumes from his engine," Predaking chuckled, "They suggest being protective."

I was glad he stopped there . . . for a moment.

         "You smell different as well."

Don't you dare say any dark secret I may have... wait... you know I never really thought of that... No, not something I think my fragile frame can handle.

         "You once had your own sent, different from vehicons, though similar, but it's slowly transitioned to being much closer to Shockwave's sent, though still quite stunningly unique."

I don't think Predaking needs sight... he could find an Autobot in pitch black with rotting corpses surrounding him with that sense of smell.

     We quickly dropped the subject when we came to the lab door, and Predaking had to duck slightly in order to get in. I chuckled as he made sure he didn't knock anything down, though my mirth was quickly dashed by the knowledge of a certain medic talking to Shockwave...

         "Why hello," he smirked at me, "Isn't it the princess of science herself?"

         "Knockout, I suggest you stick to the task at hand." Shockwave ordered, and passed the cherry colored mech to get to me, "He came by order of Megatron."

         "Noted," I choked down a stutter as I forced myself to keep from looking at him, fear making my cooling fans run like there was no tomorrow.

         "I suggest you go elsewhere for the time being," the mech in front of me stated, "I will com you when Knockout has left."

I nodded, and gave him the USB that had the information he wanted. Before he left he gave me a datapad that had my next lessons for the day, and I smiled my thanks before leaving. I made half way down the hall when Predaking spoke once more.

         "Knockout scares you."

         "Most on this war ship scare me," I responded.

         "True, but you do not freeze like you did before. Usually you try to go a little faster past those who you see as a threat."

He kinda had me cornered on this one.

         "It's nothing to worry about, I assure you Predaking... though I thank you for your concern."

     He nodded, and followed me up to the flight deck, a place I had grown accustomed to since he and I went for that fly together. I liked coming up here, as long as he is with me, to study, and work on my slowly developing science expertise. As a previous data compiler, I had to be able to remember many different codes. Some I kept, but most I deleted to store the new knowledge I was learning. I sat down, a few feet from the edge of the flight deck, and turned on the translucent screen. Predaking transformed to his beast mode, and wrapped himself around me, keeping me warm despite the cold rushing air that pressed against our frames. I leaned into him, and read off some of what I was learning, though it always put him into recharge. I giggled, and pat his snout as he snored lightly. Body guard, best friend, companion, I guess pet sometimes too. I'm somewhat glad we managed to destroy the lab on Earth. I might not have been able to gain the devotion of Predaking if we hadn't. 

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