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     I woke up, the aches and pains dull but there, and rather uncomfortable. Still I forced myself up, finding that Predaking was still waiting by the front of the lab entrance, awake and not showing any signs of tiring as he smiled his good morning to me, and I smiled back. 

         "Do you know Shockwave's whereabouts?" I asked. 

         "He's in the main computer room," he informed me, "Shall I escort you?" 

         "If you could, please." 

The journey was quiet, and short, passing by vehicons whose gaze seemed to linger from time to time, and it made my circuits prickle. When the doors of the computer room opened, I was met with everyone's attention, and the sudden bowing of every vehicon in the room. 

         "My lady," was their chorus, and I gave a weak and nervous smile as I shuffled my way to Shockwave, who was in the middle of the room. 

         "I see you are up earlier than expected." he noted, "I hope your welcome was... welcoming." 

His loss for words was cute, but that was not something I'd force anyone to do just because I walked in a room. 

         "Must you make them hate me any more than they already do?" I sighed, "It's not quite fair to them or me." 

This received a nod, and few tappings of the key board keys. 

         "It is done." 

I smiled, and gave him a quick kiss at the side of his optic as my 'thank you'.

     There was a long silence as we surveyed our empire, a few vehicons looking quickly away as my optics passed them by. I've never thought myself as above them, and now I find myself in that position anyway. My how the tables have turned in my favor. Yet I can't shake off a lingering fear. Perhaps it's the hate my fellow vehicons have toward me, or maybe it's my spark acting up, who knows, but this fear stays, and I am not fond of it.

         "(Y/D), I need you to take charge for a time," came the sudden request from Shockwave.

         "Wh-what? I mean, well, hold on..." I tried to straighten my thoughts out before I spoke, "Shockwave... I don't think I can."

         "Why not?" he asked, antenea going down, a show of confusion.

         "I'm a vehicon," was my reasoning, "It's in my programming to follow, not lead. I don't know the first thing about leadership."

Shockwave let out a deep chuckle, finding my frustration amusing, much to my chagrin, and I frowned.

         "You are a smart femme, you will learn."

         "Yeah, maybe in a few more vorns," I huffed, crossing my arms and feeling a familiar pain that often resulted in my carelessness.

     Shockwave shook his helm as he brought my arms away from myself, and inspecting the damage done. This time it wasn't much, but I hadn't been repaired from my run-in with Megatron, so it looked much worse than what it was. I winced as Shockwave inspected my injuries that were ignored previously, some deep gashes already starting to rust.

         "You can be so careless," he sighed, and I rolled my optics.

         "And you can be near insufferable, HEY!" he had started to inspect my backplates, where a rather deep gash was still oozing energon, slowly, but enough to cause some worry, me being so fragile. He began to poke at it slightly and I hissed, stepping away from him.

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