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Jungkook stared at the male on the bed, listening to the monitors beep. It's been a whole twenty four hours since Jungkook met Taehyung and since then it was a hectic twenty four hours. Taehyung was taken into surgery where he had to be taken out early since his heart couldn't handle it. He had a brain bleed that was controlled, a broken arm and even injured his neck. Jungkook told himself he should leave and he was going to but.. it just didn't sit right with him leaving the boy alone.

Taehyung has internal injuries, his face all scratched up from the glass that collided with his face when he was out the window. The most important thing though was Taehyung's heart was weak. It was obvious he was going in the hospital for awhile and Jungkook planned to at least stay just until Taehyung's family arrived.

Jungkook went over and over his words and what he was going to say to Taehyung but he knew Taehyung would freak out, hyperventilate and then crash and he didn't want that. So he decided.. to lie. He didn't want to do it, it was something he told himself he wouldn't do but Taehyung was just too unstable.

A knock was heard, Jungkook opening his eyes to see Joy. Jungkook looked at Taehyung before getting up and walking out of the room where he closed the door. "You don't like getting involved with patients yet..?" She folded her arms with a smile and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I know.. and I couldn't help it. He's alone as of right now. His best friend died and his parents were called in which they probably should be in tonight, Taehyung's parents so I should be back by tomorrow."

"So you call Mr. Kim by his name now huh." Joy raised an eyebrow and Jungkook sighed. "Mr. Kim should have his parents by tonight and i'll be back tomorrow, tell Vernon not to kill anyone." Jungkook opened the door and walked in. "Cut him some slack, he's new." Joy shook her head. "Exactly why you should make sure he doesn't kill anyone."

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, looking around the room as he lifted one of his arms to see an IV. Taehyung breathed in and tried to turn his head which caused him to gasp from the sharp pain. Suddenly the door opened and Jungkook came in. "Hey.. don't move your head okay? You injured your neck so thats not a good idea." He looked down at the male who seemed very scared.

Jungkook tilted his head and breathed out, sitting on the stool and bringing Taehyung's hand onto his. It was comforting in a way, for Taehyung and Jungkook knew that. "You were involved in a car crash involving two other vehicles. We brought you in and you crashed four times before you were taken into surgery. Then as they were operating on you, you crashed again. Your heart is very unstable so you need to be calm, okay?" Jungkook smiled lightly.

Taehyung breathed out. "O-Okay.." he managed to squeeze Jungkook's hand, closing his eyes as a tear fell down his cheek. Jungkook frowned, wiping away the tear. "Tell me what else is wrong." Taehyung sniffled as he opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook. "You.. have a broken leg, sprained ankle and a broken arm. There was a glass stabbed into the stomach which caused your internal injuries but they got the bleed for now. You had a head injury but Dr. Giomore fixed that." Jungkook spoke clearly and slowly for Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the desk that was just outside his room. "I-Is my family coming?" He asked and Jungkook nodded. "They've been contacted, they're coming." He rubbed Taehyung's hand and Taehyung looked at the paramedic. "And J-Jimin?" He asked with tears in his eyes. Jungkook froze, losing every word within him as he looked down.

"Sir.." Taehyung squeezed the males hand. Jungkook looked up, smiling a bit. "He's stable for now okay? Now, you get some rest because you need it alright?" Jungkook put the males hand down and Taehyung gave a small hurtful smile. "Okay.." he breathed out, shutting his eyes and listening to the monitor.

Jungkook stayed where he was for awhile before he got up and left the room. "Thank you for not calling the doctors." He thanked the nurse who nodded. "Next time i'm calling them though, got it?" She pointed at Jungkook who nodded. Jungkook leaned on the counter and sighed, looking at the male.

"Excuse me.. are you Jeon Jungkook?" A woman was heard, Jungkook turning to see a couple with shot red eyes. Jimin's family he assumed. "Yes, thats me." Jungkook smiled. "Ah okay.. we're Jimin's parents and Taehyung's parents won't be here until tomorrow night due to private circumstances. I was told you were staying with him until his family got here and we came to say we're staying with him until they get here." She managed to smile.

Jungkook tensed as he looked at Taehyung's room and then at the couple. As much as he didn't mind staying, he knew he should get going. "Alright.. yeah, okay well the doctors will fill you in on everything." He carried on, bringing them to Taehyung's room. Slowly, Taehyung opened his eyes to see Jungkook grabbing his jacket and seeing Jimin's parents.

"It was nice meeting you and.. i'm sorry." Jungkook looked at the two who nodded and gave their attention to Taehyung who was looking at them. "Taehyung, sweetie.." Mrs. Park sniffled. Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but closed it. Never did he feel so ashamed to be looked at by his best friends parents.

Jungkook went over to Taehyung who eyed him. "I'm going now okay? And they'll take very good care of you.. and i'm sorry." Jungkook pursed his lips before giving a smile and leaving the room, leaving Taehyung more confused than ever as he looked at Jimin's parents who seemed to be crying.

Meanwhile, Jungkook walked towards the front door but was stumbling back from a sudden hug. "God, I was worried you ran before our wedding!" The female, Keeya spoke to Jungkook who looked down and scoffed. "Never." He leaned down and kissed his fiancé. Keeya pulled away with a smile. "I made your favorite tonight." She hummed. Jungkook nodded and wrapped his arm around Keeya. "Thank god, hospital food sucks ass you know that?" He chuckled, walking out with her.

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