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The next morning, I headed out knowing I had to get shoes. New boots were mandatory at this point, the constant shifting off the leather giving me sores and the noise of the split material able to catch someone’s attention all too easily.  

I carefully tucked the blanket around the hole as I exited, so if it rained my few belongings would not get wet. Then I slung my bag across my body, shortening the strap slightly, and headed out.

I was walking for perhaps twenty minutes, heading to an area I knew to be abundant in household items. It had once been a bustling, lively neighborhood of the upper class, but not anymore. There, I should be able to find boots. 

At the next alley, I turned upon spotting a promising looking pile of rubbish. I skipped around a piece of metal as I headed for the promising pile, bending to pick up a nail on the ground and toss it in my weathered leather bag as I proceeded. I could always use more nails to help hang the blankets over my whole-in-the-wall home.

As I straightened back up, I heard footsteps behind me. I froze, hoping I hadn’t been seen. Was it safe to turn around? What if they were creeping up on me right now, about to attack? You always had to watch your back these days, you never knew who to trust and who was working for whom and who would pick a fight. I slowly turned my head, hoping to see nothing but an empty entrance to an alley. Luck was against me however as I saw four men, all with dark gray wings spread and blocking my only escape. Why had I come down an alley that was a dead end? This was perhaps the stupidest move I had made since I had decided to cut my hair with a rusty knife from a dumpster.

The sun hit the uniform of the far right man as he stepped forwards, revealing the demon-winged insignia of The X, Xavier’s following, to my eyes. I was dealing with the last people you ever wanted to be caught by, ever.

Then, the soldier spoke in a deep, low voice full of promises I did not want him to keep. “What’s a pretty girly like you doing by yourself?” His tone disgusted me; it made me quiver and raised goose bumps up my spine. From just one sentence I already knew their intentions and I needed to get out of here.

“You shouldn’t be alone,” spoke another, his voice too smooth, like he had said these words multitudes of times. My stomach churned thinking of why he had, all the girls they had taken advantage off. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t let that be me.

They were all slowly moving forwards as they spoke, moving around to enclose me in the back of the alley. What was I supposed to do? The only way out, that wasn’t flying, was blocked by men twice my size and taking to the air would mean instant death this close to the castle. 

“Stay back,” I hissed as the largest man took another step towards me, landing him about five meters away.

“Ah, a feisty one,” he mocked, his expression amused. I would admit I held no threat to his eyes; an eighteen year old girl, just a quarter over a hundred pounds, without any obvious weapons, and my white wings giving me the appearance of innocence. But I had been on my own for six years, six long hard years. I had a few tricks up my sleeve (although never had to fight my way out of a situation like this before admittedly).

“What’er ya goin to do, scratch us?” The far left man mocked, seeming more like the bullies brainless crony along for the adrenaline than someone who would really cause harm. My hand twitched, eager to reach into my bag and grab the knife I had there. But I should keep it hidden, wait until it could be put to use to, not just shown for a threat.

“Dane,” the deep voiced man barked. “Get her bag.” He must have noticed my hand. I swore under my breath as the one who had just mocked me ran swiftly over. My hand knew the action well though and it delved into my bag, grabbing the hilt of the knife and pulling it out before he had reached me. He paused as the blade caught the morning sun, gleaming right before him as I pointed it at his chest in a threat.

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