Family Dinner Plans

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Hey guys! So, after an intense chapter like before, it's time to relax a little. But, let's be honest, it's always crazy when your with the gems. Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

I was sitting on the beach, staring at the ocean. It's been a couple weeks since Lapis left Earth. I've missed her since and, although the craziness hasn't stopped, it has been keeping me distracted. I took Lapis' advice about my wings and, at night would practice flying. I say by now I'm pretty much a master at flying, but...every time I fly it reminds me of her.

I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging them. The waves swept the shore and lightly touched my toes. I pointed my finger and lifted a small drop of water. It floated in the air and, when I spun it, I made it look like Lapis' gem. I sighed again, wondering how she was doing.

"You still miss her?" I heard behind me. I jumped and the water fell back into the water. I looked up and saw Circo. He had a bandage on his shoulder from the sword hit by his water self. He sat next to me and I continued staring out at the ocean.

"Yeah," I said, hugging my knees to my chest, "I know she has her reasons for leaving, but...I just wish she decided to stay instead of leaving."

He nodded, seeming to understand. "I'm sure she'll be back," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so," I said, sighing. I looked at Circo and smiled, "How's your shoulder?"

"It still hurts," he said. He moved his shoulder a little, but he flinched. An idea popped in my head, and I lifted my hand, raising a small orb of water out of the ocean.

"Circo, can you take the bandage off your shoulder?" I said, holding the orb of water not to far from me. He gave me a confused look, but took the bandage off his shoulder. The cut wasn't deep, but it was big.

"What are you doing?" he said.

"Lapis mentioned that I had healing abilities," I said, "Maybe I could try to heal your cut."

"Okay, but before you do, could you take the salt out of the salt water?"

"Oh right." I moved my other hand up and filtered the salt water and, instead of having one orb of water, I had two. One made from water the other made of the other salts and liquids in the ocean. I threw the other orb in the sand and moved the clear water orb onto Circo's shoulder. It shaped to fit like a mold on his shoulder.

"How exactly are you going to heal my shoulder?" he asked, sounding a little nervous. I ignored the question and focused on his cut. I imagined it being healed and all being left was a faint line from where the sword hit. Suddenly, the water seemed to glow a soft light and seep into Circo's skin. at first, he flinched, but he relaxed by the healing of it. When the water was gone, all that was left of the cut was a faint line on his shoulder.

"you did it!" he said, hugging me. I couldn't move; I was still shocked that I can do it. He let me go, and I stared at my hands.

"LUNA!!!" we both heard.

We looked up and saw Steven and Connie running towards us, Steven holding a phone. They ran over to us, and they both looked upset.

"What's wrong?" i asked, worried something terrible happened.

"My mother called, "Connie said, "And she wanted to talk to Steven's mom. so we had Garnet pretend to be his mom, but it didn't turn out well."

"When you mean by not well," Circo asked, standing up next to me, "Do you mean not well as in very bad?"

They both nodded, and I said, "Okay, how can we help?"

"We need you to talk to Connie's mom Luna," Steven said, "Connie was able to convince her mom to talk to my sister instead."

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