Got to Go Fast

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Hey guys! We're back with Luna and the gang as things are getting serious. What will they do now that both Greg and Jericho have been taken? Let's jump in and find out! :D

-Luna's POV-

Garnet, Steven and I warped back to the Beach House, Steven and I still in shock about what happened."I can't believe this is happening," Steven muttered next to me. I looked at him, still not able to wrap my head around the fact that our dads had been taken. I looked up and saw Amethyst, Pearl and Circo standing in front of us. Pearl smiled, relieved, "You guys are back!"

"Hey dudes," Amethyst said casually. Circo smiled but it faded when he saw how upset the three of us looked. Pearl furrowed her brow, saying, "We're sorry about earlier."

"Forget that! We have to catch up with her!" Steven shouted. Circo stepped back, "What?"

"Who?" Pearl and Amethyst chorused. I whispered just loud enough for them to hear, "Blue Diamond."

"Blue Diamond?!" Pearl shouted in shock. "O-O-On Earth?!"

"Holy smokes! They're all coming out of the woodwork," Amethyst said, sounding both shock and impressed. Circo glanced at Pearl and said to Amethyst, "Amethyst, you may want to turn into a chair. Pearl looks like she needs to sit down."

"She took our dads," I said, hugging myself. "She alien-abducted them's all my fault."

"It's my fault too," Steven said, placing a hand on my arm. I smiled a little at Steven, appreciating him being a good friend. Circo shook his head, saying, "Wait, Blue Diamond took Greg and Jericho?!"

"H-How are we going to get them back?!" Amethyst shouted, starting to panic. Steven looked at the ground in worry, growing more and more panicked. "What did she even want them for? To eat them!? T-to put them in a zoo!?" Steven asked.

Pearl's eyes widen at Steven's questions. "Wait, that may be it," Pearl said firmly. Steven gasped and shouted, "She's going to eat them?!"

My stomach dropped and I looked at Pearl. But she shook her head, saying, "What? No. But there was a... No. No, it couldn't possibly still exist. Not since we-"

Garnet snapped her fingers, saying, "That's right! Pink Diamond's insidious human zoo."

"What?" Steven, Circo and I chorused. Garnet nodded, "During her reign on Earth, Pink Diamond stole humans from their families as trophies of her conquest."

"You got to be kidding me," Amethyst said, not believing her. But Pearl shook her head, saying, "Oh no. It was very serious. When I still served... Homeworld, I saw it myself. A private menagerie deep in space. Humans in captivity. We were never able to rescue them. We had no way to get to them after the war. But, that was over 5,000 years ago."

"You really think they're there?" Amethyst asked. Pearl looked at Steven and I, asking, "Steven, Luna, Blue Diamond wanted Greg and Jericho alive, right?"

"Yeah! She thought they were deserving to live?" I said, trying to remember what Blue Diamond said exactly. Pearl nodded, "I can't think of anywhere else she'd put him if she wanted to keep him, that is if the zoo's still there."

"It's our only chance! But, how are we going to get there?" Steven asked. Circo smirked and said, "What about that Ruby spaceship?"

"The Roaming Eye," Garnet said, nodding. But Amethyst looked at Garnet in worry, "Will that ship really work?"

"It will," Garnet said. "We're going into space, and we're not coming back without Greg."

-Time skip!-

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