Living Nightmares

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Hey guys! So we finally get to this chapter! I will say, Kiwi and I have been excited about this one for a while for multiple reasons. Soon of which you'll find out. Anyway here's the chapter! :)

-Luna's POV-

"This is amazing!" Connie shouted, throwing her hands in the air. I was giving Connie a lift on Astra, since she never rode a phoenix before. We had just finished sword fighting lessons and we had a few minutes to spare before we had to drop off Connie at her house.

We flew high above the beach and I laughed at Connie's excitement. "Pretty cool, huh?"

She nodded. "I wish Amos was up here. He would totally love this!"

"Maybe," I said, feeling my cheeks grow warm at the idea of Amos and I being up here. I shook my head and I said, "Alright, hold on tight Connie."

I tapped three times on Astra's head, signaling her to nose dive land. She seems to nod and next thing I know, Astra spread her wings up and soared down. Connie cheered as we flew down, and I laughed. Astra closed her wings slightly to go faster and, when we got close to the beach, she opened them and we slowed down. She touched ground and ran to a stop.

I hopped down and helped Connie down. "That was amazing! She's amazing! Your amazing!" Connie cheered. I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck, saying, "Aw thanks Connie. But really it was nothing."

"Looked pretty cool to me," we both heard. I looked up to see Amos get off of his motorcycle and walk over towards us.

"Amos!" Connie and I chorused.

"What are you doing here?" Connie asked.

"Your mom told me to come pick you up," Amos explained.

"But I told mom that I was getting a ride from Steven." And speaking of Steven, Lion came walking over with not only Steven on his back, but Circo as well.

"Hey guys!" Steven cheered.

"Hey Steven," I said. "Hey Circo. Any luck?"

Circo jumped off of Lion's back and walked over to me, holding the pieces of my mother's bow. He shook his head, "I'm trying to fix it, but it's as if it doesn't WANT to be fixed."

I groaned and took the pieces from him. "We'll find a way, I'm sure," I said.

"Anyway," Steven said. "Connie we have to go if we're going to get to your house on time."

Connie looked at Amos nervously, but Amos waved his hand, saying, "It's fine. You go."

Connie smiled and hopped on Lion behind Steven. As Amos started his motorcycle, Connie said, "Why don't you take a ride with Luna, Amos? It's really cool!"

Circo and I looked at Connie, surprised. I coughed and said, "Sure. That would be c-cool."

"What about his motorcycle?" Circo protested.

"I can just drop it off at the car wash," Amos said. "Mr. Universe is fine with that."

Circo cursed under his breath but I ignored him and said, "Great! I'll fly over there in a little bit to pick you up."

"Circo, how about you come with Connie and I?" Steven asked. Circo nearly protested but the pleading looks from Connie and Steven made him hesitate. He sighed and grumbled a "Fine."

He climbed on Lion behind Connie and soon, Lion walked away and down the street. Amos climbed back on his motorcycle and said, "See you in a few."

I smiled and nodded. He pulled a pair of sunglasses over his eyes and drove off. When did he get those sunglasses? They looked pretty cool. I shook my head and climbed onto Astra's back.

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