Stepping Up

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Hey guys! We're back with Luna and the gang as things continue in Beach City. What's going to happen today? Let's jump in and find out! :D

-Luna's POV-

"Wait, you like Eilat?" I asked, surprised. Amber slapped her hand over my mouth and glanced nervously ahead. Circo and Eilat were walking and talking ahead of us, unaware of the conversation we were having. Amber relaxed and glared at me, whispering, "Did you HAVE to say that out loud?!"

I stopped walking and removed her hand from my mouth. "I didn't mean too," I said, lowering my voice. "But why haven't you told Eilat?"

Amber bit her lip and looked at Eilat. Circo glanced back and said, "Come on, you two. Aren't we heading over to Steven's?"

"Coming!" I said, walking ahead. Amber walked up next to me and she said, "I've just....ever since the gem war, so many things have happened. Eilat doesn't even know that I...betrayed them back then."

"But your good now, right?" I asked. Amber nodded and I smiled, "Then the past shouldn't matter. Your a new gem now and you want to be someone new. And I think Eilat knows that. So I say go up and talk to them. See what happens."

Amber smiled a little and looked ahead, a determined look on her face. "Yeah," She said. "Yeah. Your right! I'll go up to them and tell them how I feel!"

"Tell who about what?" Eilat asked, turning around. Amber's face burned a bright red color and she shouted, "Nothing! I didn't say anything!"

Eilat lifted an eyebrow but shook their head, smiling. I rolled my eyes and sighed. We reached Steven's house without any problems. As we walked up the porch steps, I heard the door to the house open and close. We reached the top steps and made it to the door just as we all heard Amethyst say, "Cards?! Ugh, who broke you guys out of the retirement home?"

We all exchanged looks and went inside. But we didn't get far since Greg was standing right in front of the door. He noticed us trying to get inside and he stepped away. We all walked in and Circo asked, "Hey guys. What's going on?"

"Greg and I were suppose to go to a rock concert tonight," Amethyst said, sounding dejected. "But he can't make it now because of a card game night with a bunch of old people."

Greg lifted his hands in defense, saying, "Trust me, I'd love to go to the show! But Barb threatened to hold my mail if I didn't. She is not a woman of empty threats."

"I believe it," I muttered, not wanting to think of what Barb was like when angry. Amethyst sighed and walked over to the couch, saying, "Ugh, man, forget it. I can't go show-lo, that'll be boring!"

She flopped onto the cushion and Pearl gave her a sympathetic look. "You could hang out with us tonight," Pearl suggested. Steven nodded, "Yeah! Luna, Circo, Eilat, and Amber are joining us too!"

"And do a puzzle? Ha, maybe we could fit in some knitting, too," Amethyst said, rolling her eyes. Pearl blushed and said, "That's... not what I meant. We could go to the show with you."

Everybody looked at Pearl in surprise. But it was Steven who broke the silence by saying, "What?"

"Wha?! You wanna go to a show, with loud music and people pushing each other?" Amethyst asked, lightly pushing Pearl. Pearl chuckled and lightly pushed Amethyst back, saying, "I've done my fair share of... pushing."

"Ooh, I think it's broken!" Amethyst teased, holding her arm as if it was broken. Steven giggled and I looked at Amber, whispering, "This is great! You'll be able to hang out with Eilat."

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