Finding the Lost

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Hey guys! So we finally get to this episode. Honestly, I'm excited for the season three SU episodes. Kiwi and I have been discussing so many ideas for season three that we're so excited to share it with you guys. And how coincidental it is that the new year just started and we're now starting season three? It's awesome! So, without further a due, let's kick off with this amazing first episode chapter from season three! :D

-Luna's POV-

My eyes fluttered open when I heard the sound of the ocean. Light filtered through the green leaves of trees and some palm trees. I raised my hand to block the sunlight, but when I did I saw that my arm was much whiter and see-through then before. I quickly sat up and looked at myself. I wasn't myself; if anything I looked like the Star People from mom's cave. It didn't feel like I was wearing anything, but when I looked, I was wearing a sky blue summer dress that went down to my shins. The neckline was in matched with how low the sleeves were, and I was barefooted. I touched the dress and it shimmered, it's form fading a little before reforming.

"What...happened?" I whispered, feeling light as air but as solid as if I had my original, I heard movement to my left and looked. A little watermelon Steven had just stood up, and was looking around. It looked in my direction and said, "Buwah!"

It ran over to me and tried to hug me, but it fazed right through me. I was startled at first, but I giggled. "Sorry little guy," I said, as the watermelon Steven had fallen over. I walked over to him and somehow was able to pick him up. It seemed like, if I wanted to, I could touch things. But other things couldn't touch me. The watermelon Steven stood up and tried talking, but I couldn't understand anything he was saying. I shook my head, saying, "Sorry little guy. I...don't know what you're trying to say."

The watermelon Steven looked dejected but his gloom quickly faded when we both heard barking. We looked up and saw a little watermelon dog come running out of the bushes. Along with a teenage girl who was a Star Person. "Get back here!" she giggled, finally catching the little Watermelon dog.She picked the dog up and hugged it, giggling in delight. She glanced up and her eyes grew wide at the sight of us. She was so shocked that she dropped the little watermelon dog. "," the girl said. Immediately, the girl and dog ran across the stream, and raced through the forestry.

"Wait!" I shouted. I grabbed the little watermelon Steven's hand and said, "We got to follow them!"

I ran after them, leading the watermelon Steven behind me. As we raced after the girl and dog, we passed under stone arches and more bushes. When we finally caught up to the dog at least, we were on what looked like a main road. The dog looked at us and barked, but the girl kept running. We stopped short at the sight of what was down the hill. It was a village; a town even full of Watermelon Stevens and Star people, co-living. There were some watermelon Stevens and Star people tending the fields of various vegetables and fruits, especially watermelon. Some of the watermelon Steven's wore farming hats, and most of the Star people in the fields were young boys wearing either outdoor clothes or farmer clothes. The dog barked and ran down the hill. The watermelon Steven and I followed.

We watched the watermelon Stevens work and Star People work. Some of the star people looked up and either gaped at us or there eyes grew wide. They all stopped in their work but the watermelon Stevens didn't seem to be paying much attention. We watched as one watermelon Steven placed a baby one onto a large wagon full of little babies watermelon Stevens. A rather old looking Star person smiled at the watermelon Steven and, using the reigns, rode the wagon into town. As the dog led us further into town, I saw that there were little white stone huts with straw thatched roofs. Both Star People and watermelon Stevens lived in them. And there was even more then just that. There were watermelon chicken, star cats, even a watermelon horse and star horses.

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