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Hey guys! So this chapter takes place during the time period where the episodes "Back to the Barn," and "Too Far" take place. Just wanted to clear that up if there was any confusion to why the gems and Steven weren't around and to when this was taking place. Also, another awesome drawing by Kiwi. But who is this person? We're about to find out. Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

"Watch Onyx for me while I'm gone, Astra!" I shouted over my shoulder. "Make sure she doesn't run off!" Astra, Sora and Onyx were hanging out under the house again. Astra nodded and curled her head around Onyx, yawning a little. Onyx glared at me, shouting, "I am not a child!"

"For a gem, you act like one," I mumbled, heading out. Steven and the others were up at the barn at the moment. I told them I would join them in a few days, but I had some stuff to take care off. Steven knew what I was talking about and managed to convince everybody to go on ahead. The first day by myself was dedicated to trying to find Onyx. It didn't take long since she was actually hiding out under the house again. It took the rest of the day for me to get her to stay. It was the second day out of the four that I would be here at Beach City. In a few days, I was going to take the portal over to the barn for Steven's birthday. I already had his gift in mind; I just needed the time to make sure Onyx would be ready for the trip up there.

And also prepare everybody for her.

As I walked along through Beach City, I noticed that it's actually been pretty quiet around here. Things must actually be doing well here. As I turned the corner, I could hear faint music in the distance. I followed the music and, as I drew closer, heard singing too. And not just any singing; a voice that sounded a lot like the 'Mystery Singer' from the talent show not too long ago. My heart skipped a beat and I quickly followed the voice. The trail led me to the Car Wash, where the radio was playing and the voice was much clearer then before. I hid behind Mr. Greg's car, waiting to peek around the corner to see who was singing. When I was sure that I would be safe to look, I poked my head around and my eyes grew wide.

Amos was singing.

Not only that, he was singing why he was working. It had completely slipped my mind he worked at the Car Wash with Mr. Greg. He was actually cleaning Mr. Greg's van, which somehow got a lot of mud on it recently. He was wearing his aviator jacket over a white T-Shirt and shorts, since today was the beginning of the summer heat. I couldn't help but watch as he worked, smiling a little at how well he sung. I went to take a step forward, but my hand slipped and I fell on the ground, landing in a puddle of soapy water.

Amos jumped at the noise and his eyes grew wide at the sight of me. We both stared at each other for a moment, before I said, "Hi."

"Luna?! What are you doing here?" Amos asked, helping me up.

"Well, I was walking around town and I heard music. So I followed it and then I heard singing that sounded familiar to the 'Mystery Singer' from the talent show. Which led me to here and led me to the realization that, YOUR the mystery singer."

Amos chuckled and said, "Yeah, that was me. Connie told me afterwards how swooned you were by my singing."

My face heated up and I said, "I might've thought it was cool how well you sung."

Amos laughed and turned back to the van. As he scrubbed the mud off the cat, I removed the water from my clothing and threw the water bubble into the grass. "Need any help with that?" I asked, noticing how much dirt was on Mr. Greg's van.

"This is my job, Luna," Amos commented.

"So? The sooner you get it done, the better. Besides," I then raised my arms, lifting the soap water from the bucket next to Amos. I hovered the water over the van, before releasing it onto the van. The whole van was now covered in water and already some of the dirt was washing off. "It's better to have somebody with abilities like this to get the job done," I said, smiling.

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