Part 14

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Prussia was currently sitting in the math class waiting for Yuki at her desk. Prussia had a small crush on Yuki, but was to shy to tell her. It was hard not knowing how Yuki felt about him. She never really seamed like the type to be interested in real life guys. If she ever did talk about guys. 90% of the time it was some anime character. Prussia let out a sad sigh in realization he will never get the girl of his dreams (or will he? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Ash was in the desk next to Yuki's, and was slightly weirded out by the fact Prussia was siting in her best friends seat.
Ash: *quietly* weirdo...
Yuki walked into class, yawning. She was always tired. The eye bags resting under her eyes where as obvious as ever, but Prussia thought they where adorable. Yuki stood in front  of Prussia, making his heart start to race.
Yuki: good morning Prussia~
Prussia: I'm what makes this morning great!!!
Prussia winked, making ash cringe. Yuki laughed and just stood there. Yuki wanted to sit in her chair, but she thought it would be rude to kick Prussia out of the seat, so she just stood there. Prussia was getting confused why Yuki was just standing there. Did she want something from him? By now, Prussia had completely forgotten he was in Yuki's seat. Spain and France walked in, seeing the usual group.
France: good morning~
Spain: ola amigos~!!
Yuki: hello guys~
Prussia: aye guys!!
Spain noticed right away that Prussia had taken Yuki's seat, making Yuki stand.
Spain: dude, why are you in Yuki's seat? Your making the poor china stand!!
It then hit Prussia why Yuki was just standing there.
Ash: finally got it through your thick scull?
Prussia: O whoops, I'm sorry Yuki!!
Prussia said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. He felt bad for making her stand the entire time.
Yuki: nah, it's fine bro
Yuki gave him a thumbs up with a cute smile. He felt his face turn red, so he turned hoping Yuki didn't see his red face. It would be game over if his nose bled . 1, cause ash would beat him to a pulp and call him a pervert for the rest of his life. 2 he would cause a scene and embarrass himself in front of the entire class. And 3, Yuki would think weirdly of him forever and they would have a super awkward relationship. Prussia just walked back to his seat after flashing Yuki a quick thumbs up. The bell rang getting the rest of the class silent as mr Germany walked in

To be continued....

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