Part 18-2ps part 2

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The bell had rung, already making Yuki late to class. She got up and tried to run to the door, but got stopped by being grabbed by two muscley arms.
Al: now babe, where do you think your going?
Matt: you can't just leave ya know.
Yuki: why not? I'm gonna be late for class guys!
Luciano stood in front of the door blocking Yuki from leaving.
Luciano: come on, you walk into our class, and now you think you can leave? Stupid 1p....
Oliver popped up patting Yuki's head. For a second Yuki thought he would let her go to her class but instead he started to braid Yuki's messy hair.
Oliver: popet, were gonna have a lot of fun in this class!!
Yuki: I guess I'm not leaving, am I?
Matt: yep
Yuki sat down in one of the desks, as Oliver stood behind her braiding her hair.
After a couple of minutes of Yuki waiting for the teacher, Yuki was getting concerned that he wasn't coming
Yuki: um, where's the teacher?
Francois: he's cutting class as usual
Yuki turned back to Francois, aka 2p France. He was currently smoking in the middle of class. Yuki covered her mouth and nose so she wouldn't inhale any of the smoke.
Yuki: hey, cigarettes aren't good for your health. You'll get sick.
Francois: I know
Oliver: don't worry popet, he's always using those cancer sticks. Someday he'll understand how bad they are and quit.
Francois: not a chance
Yuki: Oof
Oliver just finished making two braids in Yuki's hair. He put a big pink bow ontop. Yuki had now resembled a doll.
Yuki: wow, where did you get the bow from?
Oliver: a girl I killed~!
Yuki: o okie
Yuki had realized a little while ago that the 2ps enjoyed killing quite a bit. Yuki thought it was actually kinda cool and badass, surprising the 2ps. Suddenly the door flung open, bringing everyone's attention to who entered.
New character: yo everyone
Yuki looked to the new person. She looked quite familiar. Hell she almost looked like ash except this girls eyes where pink and her hair was blond. Plus her curl had more sharp edges than ash. She was holding a mother cycle helmet, and instead of wearing cute girly clothes, she was wearing (something badass).
She walked towards the desk next to Yuki, and put her feet up in the empty desk in front of her.
Yuki: ash...?
Alice: nope, it's Alice, preferably Ally for short.You must be Yuko's 1p character.
Yuki: I have a 2p!?
Alice: yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone does.
Yuki: yeah I guess. Oh yeah!! Where is my 2p, Yuko?
Alice: she kinda sorta dropped out of school. She pretty salty, and didn't get along with quite a few people, and ended up dropping out.
Yuki: oh. Did she get along with you by any chance?
Alice: surprisingly, yeah. She was like the girly and sassy type, while I'm I guess a rebelish person.
Yuki was getting more interested into her 2p. She kinda sorta wanted to meet her. Randomly, Yuki flopped her head onto the desk and drifted to sleep. She had been up for 2 days straight, and was super tired. The noice of her forehead hitting the table made everyone turn towards where Yuki was now sleeping.
Oliver: interesting...
Gillen: (super quiet) cute...
2 hour time skip cuz I need to kill time~
Yuki woke up, feeling absolutely refreshed. Looked up, her nose was met with an absolutely amazing smell.after rubbing the sleepiness out off her eyes, she saw Oliver now holding a trey with bright pink and blue cupcakes.
Oliver: I hope you had a good nap, popet~
Yuki: yeah, the most sleep I've had in days.
Yuki looked at the clock, to realize it was already 11:30.
Yuki: wait aren't we supposed to go to our other classes and stuff???
Oliver: no, our 2p class students just stay in their classes all day with the same teacher. when can I go back to my own classes?
Oliver: tomorrow
Yuki: okie...
Yuki didn't realize that everyone had evacuated to the back of the class. It's not like it tasted bad or anything, but there was some pretty messed up shit about them. They all stared at Yuki, hoping she wouldn't try one. They would tell Yuki not to eat it, but that would possibly make Oliver mad and no one wants to see a mad Oliver.
Oliver suddenly picked up a blue cupcake and held it infront of Yuki.
Oliver: popet, would you please try one cupcake?
Yuki: of course!!
Yuki happily took the cupcake and took a bite out of it. Matt felt himself turn Pale. He felt bad for Yuki. Gillen was sad he couldn't do anything to help Yuki. Everyone else was feeling bad for Yuki. Yuki thought the cupcake tasted absolutely delicious!! It also tasted like there was something in it, but Yuki couldn't put her finger on what it was.
Yuki: hey Oliver, what's in these cupcakes?
Oliver: sugar, flour, eggs, milk, and my secret ingredient.... human kidneys and tongues!!
This was enough for Yuki to spit/spray it all out of her mouth.
Oliver: is something wrong?
Yuki: uh, I don't really think I enjoy consuming human meat Ollie, I'm sorry.
Oliver: it's fine...not a lot of people do...
Oliver put his meaty cupcakes in the back counter, as everyone came back to their seats.
The bell rang a couple minutes later indicating its lunch time.
As Yuki got up to go to the cafeteria, Allen joined her. He swung his arm around her shoulders, and wore the smirk the had on 24/7.
Allen: your not gonna leave us, so I'll stay with you for lunch.
Yuki. Okie....
In the hallway Yuki and Allen got a shitload of looks. Many jealous ones. When they made it to the cafeteria, Yuki looked around the cafeteria to see if her friends where there. She was surprised to see ash Prussia Spain France America and Romano sitting together, but something sealed off. They seamed unhappy
With the group~
Ash: uughh I'm so worried I haven't seen Yuki all day, and she hasn't answered her phone.
Prussia:what if something bad happened to her...
America: I've already asked some of my friends to keep s look out for her
Romano: she better not be dead...
Spain: of course not!!! She's strong and I know it!!
Ash: hell yeah!!! She won't die!!!
Yuki simply got her food and left since Allen wouldn't let her talk to the others.

To be continued...

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