Part 4

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We walk into the dimly lit room and Soda slips off his shirt climbing into the bed. "Come on doll." He tiredly says. I hesitate for a second then climb into the bed facing away from him. After some time he shifts around so his arm is draped over me. 'He must be asleep.' I think to myself as I roll over to face him. My eyes go wide when I see that he is completely awake. I flop back over and quietly curse myself, which results in Soda laughing. "If you want to face this way don't let me stop you." He says quietly between giggles. I hesitate for a minute then turn back over with my eyes closed. He shifts some around me so that I am laying in his chest with his arms wrapped around me. It took me awhile to fall asleep but when I did, it was deep.
~Time Skip~
"She looks so peaceful." I hear Pony say next to the bed. Soda shifts some around me, hugging me tighter. "Shhhh, you'll wake her up." Soda whisper yells back at him. I move closer to the warmth of Soda's chest, which makes Darry chuckle from the door. "Where is everyone!" Dally yells from downstairs. I wince and open my eyes to be met with the bare skin of Soda's chest. Dally walks in the room and I can hear him scoff. "So there's a party and no one invited me?" Dally says sarcastically. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Morning doll." Darry says from the door. I hum in response. "Why is everyone in here?" I ask tiredly. "Well we were gonna wake you but you looked so peaceful." Pony said turning slightly red.
~Time Skip~
Me, Pony, and Johnny walk up to Dally, who is lighting a cancer stick. "Hey Dal." Pony said. "Ya'll are early." Dally said taking a drag on his cigarette. "What do you want to do till the movie?" Johnny asked. "Nothing legal man." Dally said walking away. We go around town and do some things, and before any of us know it, it was time to go see the movie. We head toward the drive in. "So what is this movie about anyway Dal?" Johnny asks putting his hands in his pockets. "Some stupid beach movie I think." Dally responded taking a drag on his cigarette. We get to the drive in and slip under a section of the fence. We walk through the parking lot and pass some girls fighting with their boyfriends. I decide to ignore it and keep walking. We get to our seats and sit down. Before long the two girls that were in the parking lot come and sit in front of us. Once I got a better look at the two I recognized one of them as Cheryl Valance, or Cherry, a cheerleader at my school. Dally starts to talk real dirty to them and Cherry, for the most part ignored him. Johnny gets up saying that he was going to go get a coke. "Get me one too." Pony said beside me. I didn't pay much attention to Dally and the girls until Cherry started screaming at Dal. "Get lost hood!" She just made an awful mistake. You don't just yell at Dallas Winston without consequences. Dally just smirked. "I wonder is that the same red hair that's," he pauses and let his hand motion down before pointing at her eyebrows, "on these eyebrows?" He finishes smirking. Johnny comes back and Dally keeps messing with them. "Just leave em' alone Dal." Johnny said loud enough for Dally to hear. "What'd you say you little shit." Dally gets mad but just walks away. I know he isn't going to hurt Johnny. The girls urge us to move up with them and I get dragged along. After some time Two-bit showed up. "Hey Pony, why don't you come with me to get some popcorn and Coke's?" Cherry asks. They get up and leave. "So where did Dally go?" Two-bit asks me. "Johnny stood up to him and he got mad and left." I say plainly. "Our Johnny?!?" He asks surprised. "Yes, our Johnny." I say back. Cherry and Pony come back and the boys decided to walk the girls home. We head out towards Cherry's house. When a blue car pulled up beside us...

Ok so I've noticed that this story has gotten a lot more attention then my other story's so I just wanna say thanks. Also I'm not sure who you are going to end up with so if you could please vote it would be really helpful.

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