1: "When Your Package Is So Small."

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Emma's POV

I really hate football players.

They top my list of most cocky, arrogant athletes out there. Sure, the wrestling team likes to remind everyone of just how muscular their stomachs really are and the baseball team never fails to casually show off their arms when they sling them around some poor freshman girl who doesn't know any better. But football players seem to top them all. How anyone could ever like a guy who has had more hits to his head than he does brain cells to be damaged is beyond me. I would never become friends, let alone have a crush on, any football player. Even if I constantly have to talk to these walking rocks.

I smooth my hands over my shirt and try to look as professional as possible. Although my position as sports writer for our high school paper doesn't require us to dress up, I practice my interview manner whenever I talk to the athletes. The opportunity to practice my skills is a small gift from my Journalism teacher after three years of classes with him, in which time I've always talked profusely about my desire to become a sports writer, possibly have my own show on any network. But first, I have to start from the bottom before earning my way up.

I knock on the wooden door where the football team usually meets to review film and make plans for plays they'll run during practice. Today though, I'll meet with the captain and star wide receiver of our school's football team to discuss his time out on the field during the past four years. He's already been given several offers by some pretty decent colleges, all of them a good step before he hits the NFL. He also just happens to be a complete asshole. Why am I not surprised?

"Come in," a rough voice says through the door.

I open it find Ethan Dolan leaning against the coaches' table, twiddling a pen between his long fingers. His light grey shirt covered his toned chest and accented his tanned brown skin. His curly dark brown hair glistened ever so slightly from his after practice shower and his black jeans showed his ever so slightly bad boy personality. Ethann's hazel eyes gave me a once over, taking in my own jean skirt and black blouse. I had tied my blonde hair back into a low ponytail, although a few pesky strands seemed to find their way to the front so I constantly was forced to brush them away.

His lips curved into a slight smirk. "You don't look like much of a sports writer to me."

"And you don't look like the son of a pro bowler, but that doesn't mean I'm judging you before I've seen your skills."

His smirk didn't dip but his eyes gave his confusion away.

"How did you know about my dad?"

I chuckled, did he really think I was this stupid?

"Well I wouldn't be much of an interviewer if I didn't look into my interviewee's backgrounds now would I?"

I did this with all the athletes I interviewed at our school, it's how I knew when to stop with certain questions or dig deeper into others. It's also how I found out the captain of our girl's soccer team was running a top secret drug ring with some of the JV members doing her dirty work. That certainly didn't go over well with the principle, who wouldn't even let me publish the story in the paper! My biggest story of my high school career and it was squashed when the principle told me it wasn't "appropriate" to release to the school public.

So of course I looked more into Ethan Dolan's past, which I'd like to add was even harder to find out than the soccer captain's drug ring. Kyle Dolan lived only a town over before he left for college and eventually drafted into the NFL to play for Greenbay Packers.

After a, in my opinion, pretty damn successful career at the top of the league, Kyle retired and returned back to his hometown to marry his high school sweetheart Ava and after a happily ever wedding, gave birth to Ethan and his siblings.

Too bad Ethan was busy sleeping with nearly every girl at Wood River high to actually find a nice girl like his dad had managed.

"Honestly, why wouldn't you want people to know your dad is arguably one of the best players of this century?"

Ethan set the pen down on the desk before leaning back onto his arm.

"Maybe I don't want girls throwing themselves at me because of it but hey, they throw themselves at me anyway."

I rolled my eyes. "You're absolutely disgusting."

He shrugs his shoulders and I sigh. My Journalism teacher, Mr. Conway, was really hoping I could dig deeper into the school's star player and create a front page worthy expose on him. I wasn't sure how I was going to make this paperweight of a guy seem interesting, but I still had a month before I actually needed to turn the article in. I only prayed my skills were good enough to whip up some literary magic.

I offered him my hand.

"Emma Chamberlain."

His stormy eyes looked dead into mine. "Nice to meet you... Emma."


"Ok, I think I have enough for now," I breathed with relief. Finally, I could actually leave this stuffy room and return to the comfort of my own.

"Can't stand another minute with my sexy self, huh?" Ethan leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, his defined arms and shoulders straining slightly under his long sleeve, and I couldn't help but admire them just a little. He might be an asshole but he sure knew how to workout, that's for sure.

I snorted, "more like can't run away fast enough Dolan." I began to pack away my notebook and supplies into my backpack when he laughed.

"Wow, didn't know we'd become so close in the past hour that'd we'd be on a last name basis already."

The comment made me roll my eyes again. What was this, maybe the 23rd time since we started?

"No, I call plenty of people by their last names."

He smirked deviously again. "Ok, Chambie if that's what you want."

"Chambie isn't even my last name!" I stood up from the hard plastic hair. I had finished packing up my things so I don't know why I hadn't left already.

Ethan took a step towards me and dipped his head to be closer to mine. He must have been at least six foot, over half a foot taller than my 5'4.

"I know, it's just so fun to mess with you. Plus, that blush on your cheeks makes me think you like it."

I immediately dipped my head to hide. I wasn't blushing! Or, at least I think. If I was, it wasn't because I liked it, it's because this annoying ass hat was a little too close to my liking. I certainly wasn't gonna let this arrogant, bad boy player get the best of me. The last time I let that happen... I shook my head. I was stronger than this boy could comprehend and I was gonna have the last word. I looked back up into his mischievous eyes and brought my face back up to meet his. I made sure a confident smile graced my lips.

"No, I was laughing wondering how any girl would want you when your package is so small."

Instead of throwing a tantrum like I thought he would, Ethan's smile only got bigger like I hadn't just insulted his masculinity. Huh, always works with the other guys.

"Thinking about me? Well if you had just said something earlier we wouldn't have wasted this past hour talking," he says smugly. Gross. I roll my eyes for the 24th time this hour and turn on my heel to walk out.

"See you around Chambie." He calls casually.

"Whatever Dolan."

Like I wanted anything more to do with Ethan Dolan.




Hi! So this is my first public story and I'm pretty excited as its a fanfic. I literally remember writing these when I was like 12 on Instagram but lol anyway enjoy!


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