9: "I Get You"

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First off, I just want to thank you all so much for 2 thousand reads, it means so much to me! This chapter isn't quite edited yet because I wanted to get an update out, anyway enjoy.

Emma's POV

"So what do you think has been your greatest achievement so far?" I asked.

"Definitely winning state championship, it helps give me an event better track record in bed," the senior captain of the soccer team said. I scoffed quietly at his remark, can't believe any girl would willingly get into bed with this douche bag. 

You wouldn't be saying that if it were Ethan, my subconscious taunted me in a sing-song voice.

I shoved my wandering thoughts to the side as I wrote down his statement. If this douche bag wanted to make this creepy remarks during a private interview, I was more than willing to relay word for word his intentions into this article. I could already imagine the many ways I could spin this article to show how even some of the most successful athletes were only really smart on the field of play. 

This interview only motivated my brain to compare Ethan to the several athletes I'd interviewed this past week alone. We were only a week into our deal and I already saw how differently Ethan acted around me and at his house compared to at school or with his friends. 

He wasn't changing personalities like some fake people often did; he simply put up more of an emotional wall whenever he didn't feel incredibly comfortable around them. 

Even stranger to me was how easily me and Ethan fell into a routine with one another. Ethan constantly kept my coffee cup refilled when I stayed up late focusing on several different articles before worrying about my actual homework. I helped read and correct his English papers when he couldn't properly state what he meant. Ethan was willing to be my personal taxi whenever I had interviews after school so I wouldn't have to walk home in the dark. I helped him find all of his equipment because he constantly forgot where he set down the items. 

"Hey baby, you doing alright?" The soccer captain's sleazy voice wasn't what snapped me out of my daydreaming. The cold fingers wrapped tightly around my hip sent my brain into hyper focus. Grabbing his wrist, I quickly yanked his arm up and past his ear till he was forced to bend sideways if he didn't want to wear a cast for the rest of the season.

"Touch me with your disgusting fingers again, and I'll make sure every girl in college will know the exact amount of STD's you're carrying around with you." His face immediately paled before he scurried as fast as he could out of the room, stumbling right past Ethan leaning against the door frame.

Our eyes locked for a few moments of silence before we both erupted into fits of laughter. My arms clutched my sides as I desperately searched for air. I smiled as I saw Ethan doing the same, his toned chest shaking with laughter over my ridiculous threat.

If Ethan and I had meet under different circumstances without all our prejudices, I knew we would have been best friends long before this deal. 

Ethan wiped tears out from his eyes, "Please tell me you don't actually know anything about what STD's he has."

I smirked, "Of course not, but with the way that guy sleeps around I could take a few guesses and land right on the mark. I'm not gonna let him get away with it either. I've written down every single remark he's made to me in the past hour and they're all going in his article."

A strange shift in Ethan's eyes almost made me step back. The look he was giving me was an anger I had never seen before, yet it wasn't directed at me. "Don't let revenge cause you to do anything stupid princess."

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