4: "Should I Call The Mental Hospital?"

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Emma's POV

I lifted my eyebrows in confusion. "A deal?"

Ethan smiles for a few seconds before speaking, his words slow and deliberate. "Yah, I can't just ask someone I barely know to help me without helping them in return."

I finally realize that Ethan's hand is wrapped around my upper arm and I lightly shake it off before crossing my arms. I felt an emptiness when his hand left mine, but I quickly shake off the strange attachment I already felt towards this boy. I know I was taking too long to respond, but I didn't want my words to rush out in fear I'd regret what I say. That already happened to me one too many times in my life, and I didn't want to fear my own mouth anymore.

I licked my lips, which were incredibly dry and I searched my pocket before gripping onto my chapstick. I popped off the plastic cap quickly before swiping the stick across my lips, a habit I developed out of nervousness a few years back but continued even now.

Before I could get my thoughts out into the air, Ethan spoke. "At least hear me out. Geez, for someone who wants to get the story you sure do jump to conclusions." He shakes his head while he runs his fingers through his hair messing the ends up slightly.

I look into his eyes again and instantly regret my decision as my self resolve falls at my feet. My hands begin to heat, not only from the look he's given me but from the fact that Ethan's taken another step closer to me. As my back lightly hits the wall, I realize I have nowhere to go; even if I didn't want to listen to his offer, I wouldn't have a choice anyway.

Ethan's grin caused me to look at his lips and this along with his proximity forced me to try to ignore the knot growing in the pit of my stomach. My hands slipped to my hips as I hardened my expression. I might be thinking about the way his hands feel around my waist, the warmth they'd give me, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna show it.

"This better be good Dolan."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh don't worry princess, I'm always told how good I am."

I groaned while he laughed at his own crude remark.

"So what is it? Or is the rest of this night gonna be spent wasting my time?"

"I need you... to be my girlfriend." Ethan looks dead into my eyes.

He was crazy, this kid was actually crazy.

"Excuse me?" I practically screech and he covers his ears, stepping back.

"Are you actually insane? I've literally known you for two days! Should I call the mental hospital?"

He rolls his eyes, "Actually, we've known each other awhile but just never talked. You didn't even let me finish my offer. Now sit down, and listen to what I have to say."

How can he turn from an arrogant football player to scolding me like a child in a matter of minutes? I huff and blow my hair out of my face as I sit down, crossing my arms as I take a peek at Ethan so he knows I'm not happy so far.

"I'm not asking you to actually be my girlfriend. I need you to help me put on a show."

God, the edges of his mouth curled up in a smile and they hooked my heart so fast I didn't know anyone could develop feelings so fast.

I can't let this happen, I can't let this happen, I can't let this happen. I won't allow myself to become so easily entrapped by this boy.

But I wasn't going to just run away from a person in need.

"Just for a little while," he continues, "well I'm not sure for how long exactly but at least until graduation. I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend, hold my hand, let me drive you places, kiss me."

My head was spinning. Wait, Ethan wanted me to kiss him? I couldn't even explain why he might.

"... and I know it sounds a little crazy but I'm really in a tough spot right now and I wouldn't ask if I wasn't--. Well it doesn't matter. But basically, you'd have all the benefits of dating someone without the actual commitment. And," his eye danced with amusement, "I can help you with any thing you may need, within reason of course."


This is too much for me to handle.

The stars begin to spin around me as if someone knocked the earth off its axis. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the drop of the temperature, or the green eyes looking into mine. A boy, a good looking boy at that, wanted me to help him.

And I couldn't figure out why.

"Hey. Hey Emma, you good?" Ethan snapped his fingers in front of my face. I loved the way he articulated my name, although he rarely said it.

I quickly lifted my eyes, hoping the dark night sky might relieve the growing tension in my head. Breathe in, breathe out. No matter what, keep on breathing, I tell myself. I didn't even feel nervous from the figure in front of me; Ethan didn't fill the air around me the way Healani did. Instead of feeling like a pit opened in my stomach, Ethan made me feel like my head was floating on cloud nine.

I shook Healani out of my head. I wasn't going to let him invade my thoughts after nine months, I could only focus my attention on one football player at once.

In this moment, I went with Ethan.

I pushed my forehead into my heads. "I... I think I need some time to think about this. I understand you really need this but I can't just leap into this. No jumping to conclusions, right?"

"Right, of course princess." His smirked crept up again, "I'll give you the weekend."

With that, he stood before offering me his hand, the long fingers tempting me as I almost felt the heat radiating off the tips. Ethan helped me to my feet and headed towards the window. He was halfway through before he turned back to look at me.

"I really hope you say yes."

And with those daunting words, Ethan was gone.

I felt the breeze across my forearms giving me goosebumps and missed the warmth that had walked back into the house.

I pulled out my phone, the light of the screen hurt as my eyes had thoroughly adjusted to the night sky. I saw several texts from Olivia telling me she was ready to go and asking where I was. I spent less than an hour on the roof with Ethan, yet I felt like we'd been close friends for much longer.

Looking towards the sky, I realized their was a full moon tonight, signaling a new beginning.

Maybe not just for the moon, but for a girl who thought a football player leaving her would be the end of her world.

Until another one strolled into her.

Boy, it was gonna be a long weekend.


Hi guys! I got really inspired this past weekend so that's why this chapter came so soon. We're just getting into the juicy stuff, but I have lots of plans for where I want this story to go. Anyway, hoped you enjoy and I'll see you next time! (And don't worry, Emma's gonna dye her hair very soon in the story lol)

Signing off,

x Grace

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