11: "You Had Me At Coffee"

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Note: Unedited

Soft. Soft, yet undeniably determined. 

That was the best way to describe what was occurring between Ethan and I right now. This wasn't like our kiss-- more like make out session-- from last week. This was raw, filled with pure emotion. 

Barely any space between us, and I could feel how well the constant football workouts treated him. Ethan's hands slid down to my waist and his fingers dug into the exposed skin like he needed me to stay close to him. Needed me to stay connected to him. 

I ran my hands up his chest, looping them around his neck before my fingers found a piece of hair at the nape of his neck to play with. I ran my tongue along his bottom lip before he parted them, allowing me more access. 

"Ethan," I moaned into his mouth, pressing my lips harder against his. He grumbled, distracted by our moment as he easily lifted me onto the counter and I felt multiple things being pushed off the surface because of my hips but honestly, I didn't care.

My brain had been entirely hijacked and taken over by Ethan. This boy, this football player who made me so confused about my feelings I'd rather pull out my molars than think about it, made me lose all my inhibitions at the simple nearness of him.

"Emma, I-" Ethan tried to break away.

"If you say a sarcastic comment I swear to god I'll leave your balls so blue it's the only color you'll see for the next month."

He chuckled as he stroked my cheek," Woah, slow down there tiger. I was only going to say I think we should take this slow."

"I don't want to go slow, I want to forget. I want you to distract me." 

"Princess, I think we both know this isn't just about being distracted, or pretending to date. We don't have to talk about what this is right now. But you can't deny this has gone far beyond whatever we originally intended this to be."

I sighed, my hands landing on my thighs as I looked Ethan in the eyes as he remained situated in between my legs. We sat there for about a minute until I couldn't help but smile and burst into laughter. Ethan gives me a weird look but doesn't question me.

"I just never imagined that this would be my life. Especially ten months ago, I could never see myself like this."

Ethan's eyes fill with a warmth that makes me wanting things I shouldn't. Like nights spent talking, and other nights doing anything but. Like morning with orange juice and eggs topped with ketchup (a strange combination I discovered Ethan loved). Like Friday Nights cheering on Ethan and enjoying the game instead of just watching for my articles. 

"We certainly have a lot to discuss. But for now..." Ethan grabbed my chin as he began to lean in.

A pounding on the door made us stop inches away from a beautiful moment of distraction and I rolled my eyes. Of course. This only happens to me right?

A second round of pounding had me off the counter and ripping the door open.

"Alright! We're getting out, no need to pound the door like you wish you could to a gi-" The flame coming out my ears stopped me from continuing my insult.

Healani leaned against the door frame, his eyes glistening that iconic mischievous look. 

"I think you mean how I use to pound you," He said, "You quite liked it if I recalled."

Words couldn't seem to form as my mouth seemed to be nailed to the floor, but I didn't need to as a voice behind me said, "I think you should keep your dumbass comments to yourself Kalua. She realized what a mistake she made sleeping with you and your small dick, so now how many other girls have gotten on your bed?"

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