3: "Well Then Chambie, Let's Make A Deal."

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Emma's POV

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Be careful or your eyes might roll to the back of your skull princess."

Is he serious right now? He can't be serious right now.

"Well trust me, if you could actually call me by my real name and not those creative little nicknames, I wouldn't be in this situation." I drawl.

I grip the cap of the beer bottle and expertly twist the cap off. I set it beside myself on the roof before pressing my lips to the opening and take a long swig from the bottle. Ethan chuckles as I slightly chug the bottle till it's half empty. I could handle my alcohol. Especially since freshman year, I don't allow anyone to take advantage of me, especially boys and alcohol.

I glanced over to him laying down on his side, only a few feet away from where I sat, propped up casually on his elbow as he held his own bottle between his hands. Ethan's hazel green eyes examined every inch of my face and it took me a minute to realize I was doing the same to him. 

I shook my head. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Come on, you love them," he taunted me.

Turning, the smug smirk he gave me was a clear sign he believed he had me within the palm of his hand. Fine, let him believe I turn to putty the moment anything good looking with a dick calls me a pet name.

Wait, I didn't just call him handsome did I? I push my subconscious aside to focus on the overly confident football player in front of me. 

"In your dreams, superstar." I leaned back against the scalloped wall of the house and hugged my knees into my chest as I stared into the night sky. "Besides, all football players are the same anyway."

"What makes you say that? I mean as a football player, I'm highly offended you would think so lowly of little ole me." He covers his heart with his hand and gives me a mock sad face. 

I looked at him skeptically. "You all only use nicknames like that so you can get with girls the same night you meet them. Some of you just go straight to the 'get too touchy' part" I mutter under my breathe but I can tell he heard my last comment. 

Ethan's eyebrows furrow together and his eyes show a bit of concern.

"You need me to beat someone up for you princess?" 

I laughed as I took another sip from my bottle, not looking at Ethan. "Trust me, stupid boys fighting over stupid things in a girl's honor make me even more mad than handsy guys."

Ethan's bottom lip poked out a little in a pout as he nodded. "Fair enough."

His jawline stuck out immensely as he took several gulps out of the bottle. The adam's apple on his neck moved up and down with each sip he took. Ethan only stopped when he noticed me looking at him and I cringed inwardly at myself for being such a horny teenager. 

But I couldn't lie, Ethan definitely wasn't broke in the looks department. His dark hair was just long enough to have a slight wave at the top of his head and I had to resist the urge to reach out and run my fingers through it because it looked so soft. I needed to know his conditioner. His jawline was near perfection and it was evident that football workouts had been helpful to build up muscle and define every inch. 

I look into his eyes, a beautiful mixture of brown and green that seemed to take my breathe away. I didn't even realize I was out of air until I took a deep breathe, looking away from those captivating orbs. I definitely wouldn't be getting those eyes out of my mind for awhile.

Damn it. 

"Emma!" Ethan practically shouts next to me. I jump at the intrusion of my thoughts, especially because they were about him. I look down to see his hand resting on my arm before he quickly pulled it away.

He smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Got a little distracted there Chambie?"

Good thing I don't blush easily. I leaned forward, lowering my eyebrows and making sure I looked directly into his eyes through my lashes. "Thanks for the beer, but I'm done here."

Getting to my feet, I quickly dusted off my pants as I tried to escape the heat that was building in my palms and I clenched them together. They only got hot when I was nervous, and there was no way I'd admit out loud that Ethan Dolan made me nervous like a little school girl. 

As I was about to duck my head to jump back into the window and escape, I felt a large warm hand wrap around my entire bicep. Ethan's warm fingers were an entirely different feeling from the hands that rested on my hips a mere half an hour ago. They didn't give me the feeling that I was grimy or simply an item to be tossed around; instead, I felt the warmth of comfort and security. 

"Hey hold up, I was only messing with you. I swear I'm not that much of a jerk." His hold a look of worry and I wonder what he'd even be concerned about. For a second, I think he may actually be worried about me disliking him, but I already made it clear I didn't. Well, I let him believe I did anyway. 

"I..." Ethan hesitates for a second and I gesture with my head for him to hurry and spit it out. 

"I really need you to help me out." The sentence comes out very rushed, and that's probably why I don't thoroughly process what he just said to me. Ethan needed my help? We literally had talked face to face for the first time less than 48 hour ago and for some odd reason, he chose me to help him with his problem. Geez, I didn't even know him enough to know exactly what his problem is.

His eyes plead with my mine and I saw nothing but desperation in them. They weren't a facade either, his need for help was very real and I felt my a slight pinch in my chest as I thought of him in need. While I took quite a long time and experience to trust someone, from a young age I'd possessed a basic instinct to help others. But I wouldn't cave so quickly, especially to this football player. 

"Why me?" 

Ethan's eyes furrowed once again as he took a moment to think of his answer.

"Because you're the only one I can turn to right now. I need someone who hasn't judged me already."

Judged him? What had he done that he couldn't turn to someone he already knew? Although my inner angel told me to run as far away as my legs could carry me, my shoulder demon told me to jump in and discover the secrets of this mysterious boy. 

And if I found something juicy about the small town football star, well let me say, I might just have what I needed for a story. The story that could propel me to my dreams.

"Fine." I told him curtly.

Ethan's lips curled into a smile that could give the Grinch a run for his money, "Well then Chambie, let's make a deal."


Hi guys! I will try my best to release these chapters on a regular basis, but I want to put out my best possible work. People who give themselves a deadline often feel rushed to put out content, and it can lead to work they may not feel proud of! I hope you understand where I'm coming from, and as long as people enjoy the chapters I'll keep writing them. :)

Anyway, signing off till next time,

x Grace.

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