6: "You Look Like A First Time Serial Killer."

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Hi guys, before we start this chapter I just wanted to let everyone know that in light of recent events, I'm changing the twins' parents names to random ones out of respect for them and their family. (I'll go back and change it in the first chapter soon.) So don't be surprised when their parents are called by different names. Anyway, enjoy!

Emma's POV

Ethan shoved the house key attached to his lanyard into the lock as I look around their front porch. It was beautiful. Plotted plants rested in the corners and along the railings, giving the illusion we stepped onto an island paradise in the middle of September. A white painted swing hung from the ceiling by strong steel chains as the breeze sent it rocking back and forth.

"Now I understand that weird fact about seven spiders crawling in your mouth." Ethan said while I picked my jaw off the floor. 

I ignored his comment before following him into the house, an open concept kitchen and living room spread out before me. I set my bag down next to the doors with my shoes carefully beside it; I wasn't gonna come into a house I was a visitor in and just chuck my stuff around.

Ethan gave me an amused look as he threw his bag on the counter.

"You know, you can get comfortable, we're not that damn fancy around here," he said as opened up the freezer.

"Well do you usually walk into a house and act like it's your own?"

Ethan shrugged, "When you go to enough parties as I do, you get used to making any place feel like home."

"Sorry I'm not Mr. Party Popular over here." I said as I slid into a chair at the counter top. 

"I know, you think people won't notice you if you don't attend every party. But they do."

Before I could ask Ethan what he means, I notice him slid a pizza into the oven before grabbing a pineapple from a bowl of fruit and casually began chopping into chunks with a long knife. His eyebrows scrunched up in concentration while cutting the pineapple and his tongue sticking out made me laugh. 

"You look like a first time serial killer." I held my sides as I laughed.

Ethan grinned before taking a chunk of pineapple, tossing it into the air before expertly catching it in his mouth. 

"So my family will be home in a little while and you can meet them but I was thinking we could hang out, get to know a little about each other considering we're gonna be 'dating'. Can't really seem convincing as a couple if we don't even know each other's favorite colors."

He was right, if we really wanted to make this work and convince people Ethan and I were actually dating, we couldn't be on different pages about our fake relationship.

"Why exactly do we need to thoroughly convince everyone that we're actually dating?" I asked.

Ethan's eyes darkened for a second and I knew I had overstepped a boundary. I didn't really care though, we were in this together and he owed me an explanation after this ridiculous request. But I wasn't gonna push him on the first day.

Our awkward silence broke as an alarm went off. Ethan grabbed a towel which he used to carefully grip the tray that held his pizza from the oven, placing the beautifully toasted dish on the counter. The cheese pizza made my mouth watered at the thought of the delicious sauce and the soft crust.

Then, Ethan tossed a handful of pineapple chunks across the pizza and my eyebrows shot up. He gave me a sheepish look while cutting the pieces into slices. 

"Pineapple? On pizza?" 

He leans over the counter, Ethan's eyes shining, as he offers me a piece.

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