10: "Zero Times Ten Is Still Zero"

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Emma's POV

Stepping out of the small four door, I sent a wave back to Olivia before shutting the door and making my way up to front steps of the Dolan residence.

I knocked on the door and when met with several minutes of silence, proceeded to pound my fist three times against the wood. Still, nobody came to open the door. When I made sure there weren't any footsteps coming from the other side and peering through the window multiple times, I look closer at the space between the two front doors and realized they were unlocked.

Carefully, I open the door and popped my head inside. Nobody in the front room or kitchen, but Ethan's keys on the counter were easily identifiable by the crimson tide lanyard. The University of Alabama had always topped his list of possible colleges because of their football team and because his father had taken him and Grayson to multiple games when they were small and he instantly fell in love with the atmosphere.

So far, the college had casually mentioned possibly offering him a spot but hadn't sent an official offers, which I knew disappointed him but Ethan remained hopeful.

Music met my ears as a song played from somewhere above me. I quickly wiped my feet off before quietly shuffling up the stairs towards Ethan's room, the music growing louder.

His white door was opened just a foot and I used this to peer my head in, my smile instantly growing.

Comb in hand, Ethan stood in only his grey sweatpants and he danced in a mock swagger around the room. I held back my laughter as I recognized Trouble by Ray Lamontagne blasting from his speakers, a song I'd shown him in the car just a few days into our arrangement.

Thankfully his eyes were closed, and I was grateful to get to experience this moment of vulnerability from him. Ethan remained very quiet the next week after his confession to me but I thought now was the time to try and coax him back before this party tonight.

But right now, I was just going to let the boy in front of me have his moment.

The beat rose and then hit a drop as Ethan burst out singing and I literally had to bit my lip hard enough to draw blood to keep from laughing.

"Well I've been saved by a women, I've been saaaaaaaaved by a women, she won't let me go, she won't let me go now."

Ethan held his hand up into the air, fingers spread like a singer as he sang towards his bed.

"Trouble! Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble trouble. Feels like every time I get back on my feet, she come around and knock me back down!" He sang with conviction.

Halfway through the second chorus, I couldn't contain my fit of laughter as I fell on the floor in the middle of the doorway, effectively opening the door and alerting a very shocked Ethan to my presence.

The song played on while I gripped my sides and Ethan's face grew red.

"That- that was the best thing I've ever seen," I cried tears of laughter, "I can't believe I didn't even film that!"

Ethan rolled my eyes at my antics coming over to rest his hand on his knees over me, his exposed shoulders and stomach very apparent now as my inner demon urged me to do something about the heat in my stomach.

"Enjoying the view princess?"

I shook my head. "Do you know how many athletes I've met," I said.

Ethan's smiled cocked up, "I've been told I'm at least ten times hotter without a shirt."

He was absolutely right.

"Zero times ten is still zero."

Ethan stood to his full height, hands on his hips making me want to run out the door before I did something incredibly stupid. Memories of his lips on my neck and hands under my legs made my face heat up and it wouldn't take a genius to see how embarrassed I felt.

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