Chapter 8: Welcome Back

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*********January 8, 2018***********

I walked out of the airport and froze seeing my biological brother, Gregorio Ortega, for the first time in twenty years. We had spoken over the phone but we never met up. I was afraid that it wouldn't be real. I found him around the time Kane disappeared on me. I sent my body guard Sanchez to meet him with pictures and things I still had from before I was six to confirm who he was. Sanchez confirmed but before we could talk I was arrested.

My brother ran towards me and pulled me into a hug spinning me around in the air. I couldn't help but cry and we held onto each other. I gave up ever finding him at at fourteen years old. I never thought this day would come. He kissed my forehead and I could feel his tears dropping on me.

"I'm so sorry bebita" he whispered to me "I'm so sorry! It wasn't suppose to be like this bebita!"

"It's okay Rio! I know" I put my face in his chest "I promise I know!"

"Come on"

He grabbed my hand and took me to his 2019 Range Rover. I smiled at my brother as he started the car and smiled back at me. We're only five years a part in age but my brother has always been more like a dad to me. He raised me before he couldn't anymore. Just looking at him made me contemplate not executing my plan... but it was too late. It was already in motion.

I shook my thoughts as we rode with the music playing to this huge house. My mouth dropped. Before I got arrested, I was living pretty well and large. My house could fit inside this one. Gregorio laughed at my expression once he parked the car.

"Welcome home sis" he smirked at me "Let's go!"

We got out the car and headed inside. It was even more beautiful inside. I followed Gregorio around the house as he gave me a tour. He showed me my room and I almost passed out. It was the size of my living room at my last home, which again was huge! I was shocked when I open the closet and it was full of clothes that were my size.

"That was Sky's idea"

"Sky?" I asked confused

"Come on, I want you to meet some people"

We walked downstairs toward the backyard that was a least three acres in itself. It had a basketball court, a soccer area, a huge pool, and a pool house. Along with a bunch of other fun shit like a trampoline and skate park area. I felt like a kid looking over the backyard.

Gregorio pulled me me towards a group of people I had not notice when I looked around. They were by the pool laughing and talking.

"What up G!" a guy spoke to him


Gregorio shook up with the three guys that were out there and hugged one of the girls out there before kissing the other and picking up a little boy.

"Everybody" he turned towards me "I know I've talk about her a lot. I never thought yall would get to meet her. This is Giovanni Ortega, my baby sister"


Everyone's mouth dropped except for the chick his kissed. She ran over to me and hugged me.

"I never thought he would get to see this day! Thank you for finding him!"


"Bebita, this is Sky... my fiance. And this little man" he tickled the two year old "Is my son Grayson"

"Wow... you got a whole family Rio" I looked around shocked

"Now you do too" he pulled me into another side hug "And this is the fam... blood couldn't make us closer"

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