Chapter 20: One Last Deed

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Once I had everyone I needed working on the task at hand, I headed to my side mission of it all. I couldn't stop thinking about Asani's daughter since he showed me his picture of her. I've been doing non-stop research on her mother since he told me. A beautiful soul like Asani didn't deserve to be without his beautiful baby girl... I decided that I was going to make sure he wasn't going to be.

It wasn't easy getting her name without anyone knowing but money talks more than anybody every could. Angel Perry. A basic name for a basic bitch. I honestly was disappointed in Asani the more I found out about this girl. There was literally nothing special about her. She was raised by her grandmother because her mother was on drugs. She had five siblings, three sisters and two younger brothers, that all lived in the city still.  All claiming they hadn't heard from her. I heard the same story five time about being separated once they got put in foster care and blah blah blah.

It didn't take long to figure out the liar. Her youngest older brother who was born the year before her was the only one she shared a father with. As soon as I started asking questions, he started calling the same number every week versus every month as he had been doing for almost a year after she "disappeared".

Now I'm a lot of things but a dumb bitch aint it. The number traced to a man who seemly has no connection to the family. That was until I found his old sell mate from prison that said he was a normal nigga living reckless back in the day who swore he was going clean for his son and daughter even though they would've been adults when he got out. Looked into his release date and low and behold it was the same time baby girl left. Figuring out that was her father was the easy part. Figuring out who she was now was the hard part.

I rented a black Nissan infinity and headed to the address I had for the man. According to his sell mate he got a letter from his side chick a couple years later that said she had his daughter. She was dying and wanted him to know in case the girl ended up in the system, which she did. As luck would have it, he never found that little girl. I got out the car and headed to the door looking as innocent as I could. I even allowed my hands to shake with nerve. My acting had to be on point to pull this off.

I knocked on the door taking a deep breath trying to look as nervous as possible. I held the documentation I needed as proof (don't ask how I got it) and waited. Time stopped for a second as a man open the door. The man who open the door looked at me confused as I stared at him. Everything I had planned almost went out the window. The man who open the door I hadn't seen since I was five. That face was the last time I had normalcy in my life. When he disappeared it all went to shit. He was my godfather.

Rio told me he was Mommy's best friend so he couldn't come get us when we couldn't find her. I always thought he was my uncle until then so it broke my heart to know we were really alone in the world. I mean the only reason I could even remember his face is because he was in the last picture I had of me and my brother, holding me on his shoulder. I wanted to bad to walk away but I knew I couldn't I knew I had to play to role. He had been a ghost to me for most my life and I would keep it that way.

"Can I help you?" he studied my face

"Hi" I whispered


"I'm... I'm..."


I cleared my throat "I'm sorry! I'm looking for Alejandro Perry"

"Oh I'm sorry sweet heart" he looked sympathetic "He's not with us anymore"


"Yeah, I'm house sitting for his daughter. She should be back soon though"

"What happen to him?"

"He had lung cancer" he sighed "He's been battling it for almost a year now. It was detected late so he didn't really have a chance"

I nodded "Where you close?"

"Somewhat" he smiled

"Wow" I sighed wiping my hand down my face

"So tell me, why are you here?"

I paused thinking of what I should say. I didn't want to blow this but I wanted to talk to him as myself. I knew it couldn't happen if I stuck to my story.

"Nobody important" I shook my head "His daughter... where did she go?"

"To visit her daughter" he shook his head "She came here strung out on drugs and ended up hurting that poor baby. I called the police and unfortunately she's been in foster care ever since"


"She just won't get clean. Maybe now that Dro is gone she'll get her shit together"

"Thank you" I turn to walk away

"You're welcome... Gie Gie"

Once again I froze. This time it was due to hearing the name I haven't heard in twenty plus years. I turn to look at him and he was smiling. I shook my head taking the deepest breath I had.

"Sorry" I shook my head "I'm not who you think I am"

Before he could speak again I headed to my car. I drove off taking a deep breath to hold in the tears. I drove to a little motel and paid for a night in cash. I sat there thinking of what I wanted to do. So much shit was popping up on me and I couldn't let it distract me from my plan. I was dealing with the evil people that ruin my life then I was going to lay in peace with my children. I didn't have long because I did in fact have a deadline.

It seem like everything was finding a way to make my heart feel. I didn't need all these feelings I was had easily to come back to me. I needed to remain stoic and shielded. I had to remember the only thing that comes with those good feelings were bad ones. Nothing ever lasted long for me. It was always brief periods of happiness before misery got a hold on me. I wasn't letting her win this time.

I sat down and devised my plan to get Asani's daughter. I wasn't just going to give up. Her mother not having custody of her made it even easier. All I had to do was milk her mind with lies and hope that the drugs killed enough brain cells for her to believe me. In time it would all work out though. I left and went to buy some things I would need. I would only stay for two days here. When I got back to the hotel I started crafting everything I needed to set my plan in motion.

As I worked all I could think about was the end. It may not make sense but I didn't want them to hurt when I'm gone. A piece of me wanted to give Asani his daughter and find some things for Gregorio and Kay to soften the blow. I couldn't leave them hurting like that. I couldn't pretend I didn't love them like that.

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