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Note: This is just a special, it isn't necessarily canon to the story but it could be at the same time? It's up to you! This also doesn't affect the story so, if you read it or not, it doesn't affect the plot!

3rd pers. POV:

Cold winter days, presents and mistletoes, the pure essence of Christmas. Its Christmas day and (Y/N) had made plans to hang out with Choro. He labeled it as another 'surprise' of his. (Y/N) was about to leave her appartment when she heard a knock on her door. Once she opened it, she saw the one and only, Choromatsu with a bag in his hand. His cheeks and nose were a bit rosy due to the cold air. She smiled and let him in to warm himself up.

"Thanks!" He said as he entered her appartment,  rubbing his hands together to keep them warm.

"I'm almost ready. I just need to... and there! All ready!" She exclaimed as she finished putting on her jacket and boots. She then exited her appartment, locking it, Choromatsu only followed behind with a contented look on his face. He handedher his hand and she took it, they then walked out and into the snowy day. Light snowflakes slowly fell down on them, luckily it wasn't a snow storm. The more she got colder the more closer she pulled him. Which of course he didn't mind, it actually made him even happier to be closer to her.

It wasn't a long walk though, they both arrived at what once was a small lake but it all turned into ice. Once she saw the kids, families, even couples skating on the ice, she knew exactly what he had planned, and she absolutely loved it.

"Woah! Really?" She looked at him with sparkling eyes and a smile on her face as they kept walking closer to an empty bench that was a couple of meters from the lake.

"Uh-huh!" He simply confirmed, once they got there, they dusted off the tiny layer of snow that was on the bench and sat on it.

"Oh but, I don't have skates... well I do but they don't fit me, it's been forever since I last went skating." She said as she looked back at the people skating on the ice. Choromatsu shook his head.

"I figured you would say something like that. But I have just the solution!" He said and took out a present from the bag he had in his hand.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)-chan!" He said happily, handing her the gift. Her eyes only widened at the sight.

"This early? Choro-chan, you didn't have to..." She said and she lifted her hands up and shook them. Choromatsu shook his head and forcefully shoved the gift in her hands.

"Come on (Y/N)-chan, I didn't  buy it for nothing heheh!" He chuckled and pulled out his own skates. They were a dark green with a little design on each side. As he started to take off his boots to put them on, (Y/N) started to open the present. She knew what they were but she still gasped at them. They were a plain white with light green snowflakes speckled all over them.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much!!!" She exclaimed and tackled him with a big hug. He almost fell off the bench but caught himself just in time and returned the hug, laughing.

"Jeez, it's no big deal!" Choromatsu said, glad he got a hug from his lover. She then pulled back and kissed him with a 'mwah'. She then quickly started taking off her boots and putting on her skates. Once the couple both had their skates on it was time...to fall on their asses.

♡《An Otaku's Love》♡~Choromatsu x Reader (Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now