ix: playing devil's playground

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9: playing devil's playground

"You ok?" Maniac asked poking his head from the other side of the punching bag.

Delivering blow after blow I muttered, "Fucking peachy."

Taking a step back from the punching bag he said, "Is Isabella still holding out?"

My moves halted, I hadn't even thought about having sex...with her. But Majesty, let's just say that's another story, I wanted to have the girl pinned up as I bust down her walls, I didn't feel bad for kissing her hell I haven't felt a pang of guilt since it happened. I knew that it was wrong, and Isabella didn't deserve it in any shape or form and I owed her better than that, but I wasn't thinking about that when I was two seconds away from ripping that dress off of Majesty.

"She isn't even home enough for me to think about that." I muttered bouncing before delivering another blow to the bag causing it to slide back.

Maniac looked at me for a minute before sending me for a shock, "What about Majesty?" My brows knitted together, and I looked at him like he had attached a third head to his shoulders, how in the hell did he even have any clue about Majesty it wasn't like I voiced it to the world, "Even though you got a good ass poker face I can still see through it because I've known you for a long time."

"I kissed her." I muttered feeling my tense shoulders relax.

It felt good as hell to have that shit off of my shoulders, I had to tell someone who wasn't Isabella about my actions, "Shit ese...what made you do that?"

"I don't know man, whether it's because of sexual frustration or something else, but I do know she's driving me fucking loca." I said through gritted teeth punching the bag.

Maniac rubbed his face, "...Did you like it?"

Doing a combination on the bag I gruffed, "I fucking loved it."

"I swear you always liked shit that was out of atmosphere, the girl is back with her ex and you're with Isabella even though I may have my reserves about the girl she still is going to be your future wife and until you say otherwise you should stay faithful."

I had always been a sufferer from selection hearing, and I say this because when he said that Majesty was back with her ex that was the only thing I could here, hell that was the only thing I wanted to here, "The ex that she said was beating on her."

Nodding he looked down at his phone for a minute and typed something in before holding the phone up to me and I saw her and him walking from what looked like a restaurant, frowning I looked from the phone and back at the punching bag and I gave it one good punch causing it to slide back farther than it did before

Ripping off the boxing gloves straps with my teeth I stalked out of the basement, I needed a damn run.


Isabella clenched on to my arm as she posed for the camera, I had kept my attitude to a minimum all night long but when Isabella cleared to me that she invited Majesty to the engagement party I tried my hardest to keep my shit together.

Majesty was the last person I needed to see right now, I didn't need to see her with him and I didn't need to see her period. It was like this girl was a walking drug the way she could have the strongest of us on our knees wanting another taste of those addicting ass lips, "Don't you think how it's so sweet that she took him back after he got help?"

Snapping back into attention I looked at her with a confused look, before realizing that she was talking about Majesty and that hombre, "Yah I guess so." I muttered.

On cue I saw her out the corner of my eye, turning to look at her she looked beautiful as usual, looking at the dude next to her I recognized him to be Clarence Jackson, I didn't know of him since I didn't watch basketball, but I knew him from that picture, "Ooh there they go—hey Majesty!" Isabella said waving.

Wanting to walk away right then and there I decided to stay, when Isabella called them over they were in the middle of a conversation with someone that they probably knew better than I did since it seemed Isabella invited only people from the fashion industry, looking over to Majesty her eyes flicked over to mine before back to hers, I guess she hadn't forgotten about it either.

Putting her arm into his they walked over to us and Majesty greeted Isabella with a big smile, "You guys look so beautiful." Hell if I wouldn't have known I would have mistook her for an Oscar winning actress instead of a fashion blogger, "The pictures are going to be amazing, but Clarence this is Isabella and Bala, Isabella and Bala this is Clarence."

Clarence made the wise move to shake Isabella's hand first because if he shook mines I would have released all of my agitation that I had been feeling for the past two months or so, shaking my hand he said, "I already got my tickets ready for you and Franklin man."

Letting out a forced chuckle I muttered a, "Preciate it." Looking at Isabella, I knew this was my time to excuse myself, "I'll be right back."

Kissing her on the temple I removed my arm from around her waist and retreated out of the room, walking down to the basement I shut the door behind me cracking my muscles, why was I so pissed, why did I hate the man so damn much. I couldn't fucking understand it, so many why's were going through my head.

Sitting down on the bench I placed my head in my hands, why did I like kissing Majesty better than I liked kissing Isabella, why didn't I mind doing it and why did it take her cellphone to stop it, If she didn't stop it why was I planning on doing it again. The only thing I could come down to was sexual frustration, she was nothing short but gorgeous and like Maniac said, I always loved shit that was out of my atmosphere.

Majesty Jewels was damn sure out of my atmosphere, for many reasons, one, I don't even know the girl and what I know of her should send me running in the other fucking direction, two, I was an engaged man to a beautiful woman and it wasn't like the sex was bad...well when we were having it, and three, we were polar opposites, but can I really say anything because Isabella and I were opposite of one another.

Looking down at my fists I clenched them before relaxing, doing the same action repeatedly I didn't even realize that I was no longer alone when Majesty cut through my calmness like a sword, "Five minutes."

Frowning I looked up to see her standing just a few feet away from me, "What are you doing here?"

"Because I was invited." She said raising an eyebrow.

I stayed planted in my spot, "I'm talking about down here, don't you got things to do up there."

"Fine, you don't want to talk about it then I will, what we did was a mistake and you know it," I lifted my attention from my wrist, "You're getting married in a year and you are set to fight in less than nine months, you don't need what we did on your mind."

She was damn right, but I wasn't going to let her know that, she didn't need to know that, "Don't tell me what I need Majesty because as far as I know you don't know anything about what I need."

"Well I do know that you're practically a married man, and I do know what we did was wrong." But it felt so damn right, "Have you told anyone?"

"No." I lied standing up, "Anymore advice or questions princess?"

Scoffing she raised a hand, "You're such an asshole."

Just as she was about to leave I couldn't help it, grabbing her by the hips I pulled her back to me, she struggled in my hold until I whispered in her ear, "I guess you got a type."


I'm so happy to be back—AA

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