the weekend

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Nobody's P.O.V

Peter was walking with his friends ned and mj, talking about what there going to do for the weekend

"Dude, I'm super glab its the weekend" ned said with eximent.

"What are you going to do this weekend, parker" mj questioned.

" uants going to be out of the city for the I'm going to be staying with Mr. stark for those days" peter answered

"AWESOME" ned yelled with exitmend. They walked outside and peter saw Happy waiting for him to get on the car, quickly saying bye to his friend he ran to the car and got in.

"Hey Happy" the boy say "hey kid" he said with a grumpy voice. Happy has always been grumpy. But, peter sees how he's secretly smiles when he thinks peter isn't looking.


Arriving at the stark tower (or is it avengers tower) peter stepped out of the car and thanked Happy for taking him here.

He gets on the private elevator which is also for tony, peter,and maybe pepper(who knows). "Welcome back peter" F.R.I.D.A.Y said

"Hey Fri, um..wheres mr. Stark?" Peter questioned "sir is currently in his lab, would you like me to inform him that you are here?" FRIDAY asked.

"Um..ya tell him that I'm going to my room to do some homework" he said and the elevator door opened to penthouse.

Peter walking to his room, putting his backpack down next to his bed and grabing his notebooks. He walked to his desk and started doing his homework.

2 hours later

Peter was startled by a loud crash and some voices, looking around his room
'I must have fallen asleep while doing homework' peter thought to himself.

He got out of the chair to check what was going on. Opening his door he heard shouts in the living room.

"Clint what the hell did you do" a womans voice was heard, He kept on walking but slower and silent.

"I maybe have broke the cookie jar" a male voice(clint was it) said.

"Well pick it up before steve find out" the woman said. Peter got to the door and poked his head to see a red haired woman and a dark blond man surrounding a jar, from the corner of his eye he sa- captian freaking America walking in.

"Before steve find out what" captian-freaking-America said.

" see..ibrokethecookiejar"the man(clint) said quickly

"Really clint, again" catain America said

"Clint why do you have to be such a dumn as-" the red head started to say before looking in peters derection.

Peter ran back to his room and locked the door he sat on his bed and stayed quietly.

Peter heard foot steps running through the halls.

"Um friday may you contact mr. Stark for help please" peter whispered to the A.I "of course peter already did" FRIDAY whispered back to peter.

"Where he go?" the woman asked

"where who go? Asked on of the men

"The kid!" She yelled

"Woah, nat, no need to yell" clint said

There was a sigh and a new voice "what are you guys doing here" peter recognised that voice, its mr. Stark.

"Oh thank god" peter wispered to himself. He tiped toed to the door and opened it to see what was happening.

He saw the to guys and the woman facing tony ' thank goodness there backs where facing me' peter thought.

Mr. Stark spotted him and realised why peter needed help " ok lets move this conversation to the kitchen shall we" he said whiel walking towards the kitchen the rest stood there confused but followed him anyway

Peter sigh in relief and walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, after that he put some joggers and a shirt that said "im Spider-Man" and flopped of the bed.

While peter was sleeping mr. Stark came in and kissed his forehead "goodnight kid" when he got to the door he heared a 'goodnight dad' he left the room with a smile on his face.


Hey everyone I hope you love this first part of the story.

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