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Peter's P.O.V.

When I left the room I hid close to the door so I can hear what they where saying.

"Who he?"

"Why is he so young"

"Is he you son or something"

"Hey answer me!"

I was laughing at the questions and tried to stay quiet,Thankfully to the loud noise no one heard me.

"His name is peter and he's my intern"

"He's 15"

"He is definitely not my child" he said, then I heard (thank to his enhanced hearing) him mumble to himself 'although i wish he was'

"does that answer your questions" tony said with a calm voice.

No one said nothing "alright sence that's it ill be going to the lab with peter"

I heard his foot steps srop at the door and turn to the avengers. I chose that time to leave and before I left i heard tony say.

"Bye bye peasants"


Hope you guys enjoyed it.

I know it was short but with all the school work it killing me

A big thanks for lolasgotapenguin for the request.

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