unexpected visit

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Peters P.O.V

 I woke up by the alarm, I walked to the bathroom and did my usual routine. I go toward the closet to get changed but before I get there I heard a knock then a voice "peter sweety you got 30 minute to get ready for school" pepper said "ok ill hurry up"

I got changed and ran all the way down stairs, I grab an apple before heading toward the elevator, but then I get stopped by pepper.

"peter did you forget something" 

then I ran a mental list and it hit me I left my backpack in the room. I start running toward the room, slam the door open, grab my backpack, and run back down stairs.

"have a good day peter"  she kisses my head and I run toward the elevator.

 'I feel good about today'

// time skip at school//

Ned, Mj and I where walking out of 5 period to go to lunch(yes i skipped have the day) we sat at our usual seats and started takling.
Ned was talking about how a kid was acually about to spill acid on the desk.

" they did what" I ask

"Ya,ya they were about to destroy a book unti-" neds voice got cut of by my phone ringing, I answered it quick looking around only afew people look at him and looking away.

"Hello" I answer

"Hey peter honey I forgot to tell you that a guest is coming over and that we are having spaghetti" peppers Voice came from the other side of the phone line.

"Ok, by the way who's the guest" I asked curiously

"You'll know when you see them" she responses

"Ok..wait you said they" but before he can finish pepper hang up

I groan and barry my head in my arms.

"Dude whats up" Ned said Mj looked up from her book also curious of what happened.

"Pepper said that there will be guest over and that I will know who they are" I respond

"Omg!, that cool mabey its a avenger or a special business man or something!" Ned exclaim

I smile at his excitement " ya maybe your right" just then the bell rang for us to leave to our classes.

//Skip to end of school//

I say by to ned when i see Happy "hey Happy" U say he only grumbles and i get in the back of the car, the car starts moving and i took out my homework and started to finish the things he left.

By the time they arrived at the STARK tower I have already finished my homework, I put it inside my bag and jump out the car.

"Hey kid remember about the guest behave" Happy called out, I turned around and walked backwards " you know I always behave" I chuckled and turned to keep walking to the elevator.

I walked in the elevator " hey Fri bring mw to the penthouse, please" i m asked Friday.

"Welcome back peter, Sir wanted to let you know that you should wear something nice and Ms. Potts said that foods almost ready" she said

"Ok, thanks Fri" as I say that the elevator door dinged nad and opened, I walk out of the elevator and hear a squeal before I was knocked down to the ground by a fast force....


Hey guys sorry for not wrighting sooner ill try and make it up to you.

Also can you guess who it the special guest leave you guesses in the comments

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