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Peter's P.O.V

"Hi" I waved

"Who are yo-" the young woman got interrupted by the blonde

"Oh I know who you are, your that kid we saw on friday.
Pete..petey..pe..PETER right?" he said

"Uh..um.yes..." I said

"Sorry kid" he said while giving me a hand"

I get up and we stan in an awkward silents..

"Soo do you know how to play Mario Cart" the blonde one asked

"Heck ya"


Nobody's P.O.V

Tony woke up by the sound of yelling, the fist thing we though was 'who the hell is up this late'

He got out of bed and made his way towards the sound.

The closer he got the louder it got, when we got to the living room he was going to yell at who ever it is.

He stopped right on his tracks in front of him is Peter and Clint play mario cart while Pietro and Wanda are cheering them one.

Peter and Clint are kicking each other and fighting over winning. Peter won at the end.

"Heck ya, I won. I won. I won" he sang doing a happy dance, he turns and spots Tony.

"Oh hi Mr. Stark" he said amidietly turning emberrassed, the rest of then turn there heads towards Tony.

"Oh,sup tin can" clint said waving at him with the controller. The twins said there goodmornings.

"Morning to you too" Tony said and went toward the coffee becuase it 'to early for this shit'

As Tony made his coffee peter and the other three kept playing Mario cart.

Soon enough Steve walk in with Bucky and Sam right behind him. They must have gone on there jog already, thought Tony.

"Man why do you guys alway have to run fast" Sam whines "not all of hs have super soldier sirum in us man"

"Stop complaining we do this everyday and here you still are" Bucky saids

Steve was ingnoring them and walked to the kitchen. He walked toward Tony,who is drinking coffee, and kissed him on the cheek.(yess this includes Stony fight me)

"Good morning" Steve said

"Morning" Tony mumbled, coffee still not in his system yet.

Sam and bucky are still arguing about tje jog when the walked in to the living room they weren't expecting clint, the twins and a random boy.

"Uh, who's he" sam said pionting at peter.

Before clint or the twins could answer, Bucky recognizes the kid.

"Wait aren't you the kid who tony brought last Friday" Bucky said

Pter nodded "y-yes. My name is peter parker" peter stutters.

"Then there is a gasp behing Sam and bucky, everyone turns around to see scott holding his daughter.

"Clint I cant believe it, you cant betray me like this" scott said dramatically " I see how it is, I leave for a week and you already got a new Mario cart partner" he said the dramatically puts his head on his daughters shoulders and starts to fake cry.

Everyone in thw room turn there head towards clint

"Bad,Mr hawk,bad" said cassie

Thats when everyone started to laughing at clint, Bucky and peter chuckle.

Steve and Tony come from the kitchen wonder why everyone is laughing.

They just see wanda and pitro laughing on the couch, sam on the floor dying, peter and bucky laughing softly, scott sobing on cassies shoulder, and in the middle of it all is clint confused at what just happen before his very eyes.

Tony shook his head and turn around and headed back to the kitchen.

Like he said before "it to early for this shit"


Your saviour is here!
Did you miss me

Sorry I couldn't miss the chance, im back hope you guys are enjoying this.

And i wanted to say thank you for liking my story even if its cringy as heck.lol


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