the Avengers

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Peters P.O.V

The next morning I woke up, but by a door opening, I lift my head to see who it was and I saw Mr.Starks CEO Ms. Potts or like I call her aunt pepper. She always takes care of me when aunt may or tony couldn't, she love me i can tell.

"Peter,honey are you awake" pepper said while closing the door behind her.

I look up to her " hmm..yea, I'm wake" I says with a sleepy tone " good cause i need to take you to the barber shop your hairs growing long again" she says and I was going to protest but she cut me off "and before you says anything this was me and Mays idea so get you butt up and lets go" she added and walked to the door.

She chuckled when she heard me groaning with dislike. When she left the room I went to get ready for the day."ugh" i groaned.


Third person P.O.V

Peter sat at the passenger seat looking out the windows and building,trees, and people passed in a rush. Pepper was in the driver seat taking him to the barber shop.

" pepper, where's Mr. Stark" peter asked the pepper " he's on a mission with the Avengers" she replied

"Okay" he said


After getting a new hair cut, peter and pepper went back to the tower

Pepper went back to her office after getting a call and kissed peter a goodbye. Then she let peter go on his mary way

" welcome back peter" F.R.I.D.A.Y said

"Hi Fri, where's Mr. Stark"

" he's in the pent house want me to take you to him"

"Yes please, thanks fri" he said just as the elavator moved up.

The doors opened with a ding and peter walked through them, he walked through the halls hearing other peoples voices.

"Nat but why"

"Because i said so"

"Ya clint stop being a fucking baby"

"Steve, steve he said a bad language word"

"*sigh* seriously"

Peter stop at the door and waited ' who are these people' he thought until he heard his voice.

" don't worrie capsicle" tony said thats when peter peeked in side, he pooked his head in and saw that right in front of him...where..the Avengers. Of course someone noticed peter.

"Um..who's that" asked clint

Thats when everyone turned and looked at peter " hey pete what are you doing here" tony asked the avengers had a questionably face " um..It's t-the weekend mr stark" peter stutered 'great peter you stutered' peter thought to himself.

" oh ya i forgot.. um..why dont you put your backpack in your room and meet me in the lab" tony said, peter just nodded and left.

'now to answer all of there question' tony thought

"so whos first"

And then they all started asking questions.

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Hope you guys enjoy my story all make more before school starts for me.

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